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Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time Period 1(教学设计)张丽雅 学习目标: 掌握含有if引导的条件状语从句从句的主从复合句 学习重点: 1.含有if引导的条件状语从句从句的主从复合句 2.听力练习 学习过程 一、导入:A song A letter Dear wife, Today I’ll go out and catch a sheep(抓羊). If I catch a sheep, I’ll sell it. If I sell it, I will get a lot of money. If I get lots of money, I’ll give it to the poor children. If I do it, I will be happy. If I do the tings like this,will you let him come back again? Yours, Big Wolf 二、热身 Play a guessing game What will happen if you feel(摸) it? Will it smile/cry/do exercise/be happy/be angry/…? If I feel it, it will ______ 三、游戏中练习句型(图片) Let’s guess If he is happy, he will… She will… if she is sad. He will…if he has time. They will… if they are happy. 四、总结 总结 if 引导的条件状语从句主句和从句时态如何? If she is happy,she will play the guitar . If I feel it , It will be angry. If he has time, he will sing songs. If they are happy, they will dance . 在以 if 引导的条件状语从句, 如果主句是______________,那么if 引导的从句用_______________来表示将来可能发生的动作或存在的状态,也就是所谓的___________。 五、展示图片练习句型 六、听力练习 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b 七、2d 读前 What will happen if they watch a video at the party? _____________________________________________ What will Mark organize? _____________________________________________ What will Nelly do? 读后 1.Will they ask people to bring food? Why? 2.Will they give some gifts to the winner? Why? 八、Suppose(假设)you will organize a birthday, write something down about the party. You can write like this: If I organize a birthday party ,I will (won’t) have it...Because...If I have a birthday party ,I will invite....Because if they (he\she) come(s)...,I will...If I have a birthday, I will wear... Homework 1.Write something down about your partner’ s birthday party. 2.Recite 2d 教师寄语 If you are a person wi



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