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- PAGE I - 本科毕业设计 (20 届) 网络考试系统的设计与实现 所在学院 专业班级 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月 PAGE PAGE I 摘 要 随着Internet的飞速发展,计算机可以代替人类开展越来越多的工作。如我们传统的考试是组织所有考生坐在一起,用笔解答试题,然后老师改卷后将成绩通知学生。这样的考试有一些弊端:首先考生一定要提前到考场,这对考生住址离考场远的比较不方便。而且纸张比较浪费,教师批改试卷繁琐而且容易出错,另外通知学生成绩也需要耗费比较大的精力。 网络考试系统可以基本解决以上的这些问题。网络考试系统将传统教育理论与基于WEB的计算机协同工作软件系统有机结构结合起来,以满足各种课程的考试需求。 本系统基于B/S模式的设计思想建设的一个基于ASP.NET设计的网络考试系统。该系统在微软公司的Visual Studio.NET的集成开发环境下,选用微软的SQL Server 2005作为数据库系统,利用.NET提供的ADO.NET数据库访问技术,构建了一个实用的考试系统,具备教师出卷、在线考试、网上评分、成绩统计等相关功能。该系统将教育理论、经验和方法引入系统内部,在完成网络考试任务的同时还获得了科学量化指标,可以协助考试组织机构对考试进行科学的评价和分析。网络考试系统能够实现教师出卷、在线考试、网上判分等各项相关功能,以优化传统考试的运行模式,在确保考试系统安全性、真实性的前提下,将极大的提高考试的组织效率和节约考试成本。 关键词:网络考试;ASP.NET;SQL; Abstract With the rapid development of Internet, the computers gradually take the place of humans to do many works.For example, a traditional test is to organize all candidates sit together to answer questions with pens, and then the teacher correcting students to distribute the tests’ results. This test has some drawbacks: Firstly, the exam candidates are not convenient as they must arrive in the examination room in advance, especially for those relatively far away from the examination room. Secondly, a traditional test is waste many papers and correcting papers makes teachers more prone to error., Thirdly, distributing the tests’ results is also a consuming work. Online test system can basically solve the above issues. Online test system combines traditional educational theory and computer-based WEB systems together to meet the needs of a variety of exams. The system is based on B/S model and ASP.NET. It is in Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET integrated development environment, use Microsoft's SQL Server 2005 as the database system, using . NET provides the ADO.NET database access technology to construct a practical examination system, with network test paper, online examinations, onli


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