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中北大学2013届毕业设计说明书 基于JavaEE技术的网上求职招聘系统的设计与实现 摘 要 求职,是当今大学生在毕业前最关注的一个问题。由于如今上网途径非常便捷,使得网络招聘异军突起,深受大学生广泛喜欢的求职方式。约有九成以上的毕业生通过浏览招聘网站或者在网上发布自己的求职信息来寻找工作。 在如今信息化的时代,任何事情都变的快节奏、高效率。人们不太愿意一家一家公司跑,遇到刚好需要招人的公司然后投简历。特别对于当代年轻人,大家更喜欢在网络上寻求机会。网络求职有其突出的优点,即信息量大,资源丰富,更新速度快,招聘职位多等,很符合年轻人希望以最快捷便利的方式获得最多最有效信息的求职要求。而且现在由于网络的普及以及人才的众多,招聘网站也会不断的被更多的人接受,也会吸引更多的求职者和公司来应用它。这也给了招聘网站的未来带来了很大的发展空间,同时也带来的挑战。如何实现招聘网站的快速、准确的实行其功能;如何真正的让求职者找到其想得到的工作、招聘公司招到其想要的人才以及让网站管理员更好的管理网站,等等。这些都是招聘网站未来的发展所要面临的挑战。 本次设计即针对当前状况开发一个招聘求职网站。采用B/S架构,使用JAVA语言,SSH框架以及MySQL数据库开发。 关键词: 招聘网站,B/S架构,JAVA,SSH框架,MySQL数据库 注意全文的因为跟字体都要求是Times New Roman,设置方式:Ctrl+A(全选),右键,字体,设置西文字体格式为Times New Roman,确定。 Design and implementation of recruitment system based on JavaEE technologies ABSTRACT Hunting for a job is a concern in most of today's college students before graduation. Nowadays, it is very convenient to Internet, thus making online recruitment meteoric rising, and well received by undergraduate students when hunting for a favorite job. About more than 90% of undergraduates to find work by browsing job sites or publish your own online job information. Nowadays, in the information age, anything changes fast, high efficiency. People are less willing to run companies to cast their resumes. Especially for the contemporary young people, we prefer to seek opportunities in the network. Its outstanding advantages of the network job, that the large amount of information, resource-rich, fast update, many vacancies , very suitable for young people hoping that the job requirements of the most efficient and convenient way to get up to the most effective information. And now, because of the popularity of the network and a large many of talents, many job sites will continue to be more accepted, and will attract more job seekers and companies to apply it. This also gives future recruitment website for bringing huge space for development, it also brings challenges. How to achieve recruitment site fast, accurate implementation of it


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