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英语演讲稿学会说不   篇一:英语演讲:学会拒绝   Learn to say no   Maybe because I too care about other peoples feelings, so in the face of someone elses request, I will never have the heart to say no.Even the ueasonable demands, I also always readily agreed, particularly after they often regret this, I am full of than once I determined to learn to reject others, but each time the face of which both begging for attention, I one day, I did, I refused an ueasonable request. Although it temporarily will I bring trouble, but I believe I am doing so. After half an hour of fighting, Im finally share of papers. Just relieved! Trouble came. Can you lend us your papers look After the desk asked me softly. I sighed with frustration, handed her the papers. Immediately behind the hilarious, I was very uncomfortable, I know that I helped them make mistakes, but Im not even reject the weak have no courage. The voice behind more and more, I can not pretend nothing had happened, this is my fault. Suddenly, I turned quickly out of the hands from which both his papers. They looked at me serious face, seems to understand what I was courage, said: You should work independently. It does not matter, and that was not difficult, you must be completed. Listening to my 1   words, theydisappointed, but I know this is only temporary, one day they will understand all this is for their good, finally remove the burden of heart here. This conscience feel good! I learned to refuse to change their own weakness. This life has been I feel the taste, I think it should be good for the United States refused. Rejected the citys bustling downtown, you get a weak rural tranquility. Misty rain turned sultry poetry, you get the pure sunny the bitterly painful events of the past, you will gain confidence easy smile. Learn to refuse, you will have a full flavor of the vast sky. Learn to refuse, you will fly in their own unique spiritual home. Let us learn to refuse to make life more meaningful. Let us learn to refuse to


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