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摘要 摘要 。职《273G8 本文以海商法中的留置权为研究对象。 /《海商法》主要调整船舶关系和海上运输关系。在调整这两类关系时,不可l一 f 避免地会遇到债的担保问题。《海商法》规定的担保有船舶抵押权、船舶优先权和 留置权,其中,尤以对留置权的规定最为丰富,并成为理论界争论的焦点。由于海 商法是我国民法的特别法,因而《海商法》中规定的留置权为特别留置权,其性质、 成立、行使等具有不同于民法一般留置权的特点。本文从民法关于留置权的一般理 、/ 论出发,对我国海商法中的留置权进行了全面的论述。/ 除前言外,本文共分四章。 前言简要说明了理论界对《海商法》中规定的留置权争鸣的广泛性,明确了 本文的研究方法和研究目的。 第一章简要论述了留置权的一般概念、特点、立法例及我国民法规定的留置 权的概念和特点,并从总体上对我国《海商法》所规定的留置权作了一个扼要的说 明。 第二章阐述了船舶留置权的概念、取得、效力、实现、消灭,并比较了船舶 留置权与船舶抵押权和船舶优先权的异同。 第三章对海上货物留置权的概念、标的物、担保的债权、发生、效力、实行 和消灭进行了全面阐述和讨论。 第四章对租船合同中的留置权进行了分析和阐述,其中主要论述了航次租船 合同中的责任中止和留置权条款的效力及定期租船合同中出租人对转租船舶收入留 置权的性质和行使方法。 关键词: 留萱权,船舶卤岳权,货物留萱权,租月螽同中的留置权 ABSTRACTThis ABSTRACT This dissertation the of possessory Iien in maritime Iaw. The Maritime Code of the P.R.C.mainly regulates the relations arising from maritime transport and those pertaining to ships,Jt jS necessary to formulate special stipulations securities for this purpose.The Code has laid down three kinds of securities,namely,mortgage of ships.maritime Iiens and possessory lien, among which,the stipulations possessory lien the most abundant and have aroused het debate Based the traditionaI theory of possessory Iien iR civi||aw and with reference to British shipping Iaw.this dissertation sets out fuH analysis of the possessory lien in mamime law. In addition to the Preface.this dissertation consists of four chapters. 1R the preface.this dissertation briefly feW of the hot disputes the possessory Iien stipulated iR the Code and iIlustrates the methods of study. Chapter dwells upon lhe concept and characte ris“cs of traditionaI possessory fien in Continentaf Law system.the concept and characteristics of possessory lien by ad hoc Chinese civil law,and general brief of possessory lien stipuIated in the Code. Chapter II elucidates the concept. acquisition.effects.exercise and extinguishment of possessory Iien shiD Chapter III iS devoted IO comprehensive analysis of possessory Iien marine cargo,of which,emphases laid the subject maker,debts secured, establishment.ef


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