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Unit 5 British Literature Anglo-Saxon Period 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(449-1066) Anglo-Norman Period (Middle Ages) 盎格鲁- 诺曼时期(1066—1485) The Renaissance文艺复兴时期(15世纪后期—17 世纪初) The 17th Century 17世纪文学(Age of Revolution and Restoration) The Enlightenment 启蒙时期(17世纪后期—18世纪中期) The Romanticism 浪漫主义时期(1798-1832) The Critical Realism 批判现实主义时期(19世纪30年代-1918) The Modern Period 现代主义时期(1918-1945) Contemporary English Literature 当代文学(1945-至今) General Knowledge In practice, works of literature fall into four categories or genres: narrative fiction drama poetry non-fiction prose The Booker Prize The Man Booker Prize for Fiction In 1971, the nature of the Prize was changed so that it was awarded to novels published in that year instead of in the previous year The most important award for novels all over the world. History of the English Language British Literature The Old English Period The early British literature is very difficult for native English speakers to understand today, because it is written in the Old English, which is Spoken until around 1066 Closer to its German roots Works written in the Old English: The Book of Kells and Beowulf 凯尔斯书 四部福音书,内有精美的手抄饰画,约在公元7世纪后期开始制作,8世纪完成。 被誉为全世界最美丽的书, 现珍藏于都柏林三一学院 以丰富的图案与缤纷的色彩,描绘花体字、螺旋线条、花叶漩涡、动物图案等等,如编织地毯般将书页装饰得无以复加 黑暗中世纪欧洲最闪耀的艺术精品 The Old English Period The great feasting hall oh King Hrothgar, the Dane, is raided by repeatedly by Grendal, a frightful sea monster . Beowulf comes from Sweden to aid Hrothgar. He slays Grendal and, in an undersea struggle, also kills Grendal’s mother. What is an epic? It’s a long narrative poem celebrating the great deeds of one or more legendary heroes, majestic in theme and style. It deals with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance. The hero, usually protected by or even descended from Gods, performs superhuman exploits in battle or in marvelous voyages, often saving or founding a nation. Homer’s Epics: Iliad Odyssey Alliteration Alliteration (押头韵) is the



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