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I I 内 容 摘 要 内 容 摘 要 一直以来,执行难问题一直困扰着理论界和实务部门。虽然《民事诉讼法》 对强制拍卖作了明确规定,但内容很少;1998 年最高人民法院《执行规定》虽 然对拍卖进一步细化,但仍比较笼统,远无法满足实践的需要。2004 年的最高 人民法院《拍卖规定》较为详细规定了强制执行程序的拍卖程序,但是其对执 行拍卖制度设计所依据的理论基础、方案的取舍及理由鲜有论述。简言之,现 行强制执行的法律规范尚未形成完整的体系,存在众多问题,难以适应强制执 行发展的现实需要。为此,本文拟针对我国强制拍卖制度的现状,具体分析存 在的主要问题,以强化强制拍卖的公法性来提高司法拍卖公信力为切入点提出 一些立法构想。本文拟分为三章。 第一章介绍了强制拍卖的概念、强制拍卖与一般拍卖的区别并阐述了主要 大陆法系国家和地区的强制拍卖立法概况。 第二章着重论述了我国强制拍卖的立法概况、原则和一般程序并指出其中 存在的主要问题:一是对强制拍卖的性质认识差异导致对强制拍卖效力认定争 议;二是执行异议立法规定不完善,如执行异议审查期间不得对执行标的进行 处分弊端多、对异议审查程序未作详细的规定;三是强制拍卖实践中障碍众多 且“乱象”严重:如农村自建房产难以强制拍卖,竞买人职业控场及恶意围标、 串标屡禁不止,少数法官“不作为”及“乱作为”现象仍无法杜绝。 第三章在前文论述的基础上从理念的确立及原则完善、立法完善方面提出 若干构想。具体包括以下几个方面:一是强制拍卖制度应以公法说为其理论基 石;二是完善强制拍卖立法的基本原则;三是强制拍卖的拍定人原始取得拍卖 物所有权;四是对执行异议规定进行修改;五是明确将农村房产纳入可拍卖财 产范围;六是强化对强制拍卖环节的监管;七是赋予法院以执行裁定确认物权 变动效力的权力;八是建立法院问责与司法救助基金相结合的机制。 II II 内 容 摘 要 关键词 强制拍卖;司法公信力;公法性; PAGE PAGE VI ABSTRACT ABSTRACT All the time, Compulsory execution difficult problem has been plagued by the theory circle and Practice Department. Although mandatory auction has been clearly defined Under “The Civil Procedure Law”,but very little content Provisions of the Supreme Peoples court in 2004 implementation of the auction, the sale of the property has more detailed provisions of the compulsory execution auction procedure. But the implementation of the theoretical foundation, on the basis of the auction system design scheme selection and the few reasons. In short, the current laws enforcement has not yet formed a complete system, the existence of many problems, it is difficult to adapt to the practical needs of the development of compulsory execution. Therefore, this article in view of the current situation of compulsory auction system in China, the main problems existing in the concrete analysis, public law strengthening compulsory auction to improve judicial credibility of the auction and puts forward some legislative suggestions as the breakthrough point. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the concept, the mandator


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