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未得到監考教帰指今前 得翻開 ! ,不 該武題冊 大学英悟六級 武 一 考 模似拭題 (第 套 ) 干正 (清 式牙考后 小 半 吋 完 内 成該 分 部 后将逆 力 ,之 行瞬 考武) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to vtrite an essa)) commenting on living in a self- centered uay. Try to imagine what will happen when youngsters tend to do every*thing Jbr their own beneJit instead of doing something for other,s. You are required to urite at least I50 words hut no more than 200 v,ords. Fart II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A 祠 Directions: In this section, lolr will hear t**o long contersations. ,41 the end of each conttersation, you will hear four que,stions. Both the conyersation and the questions u,ill be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you ntust choose the best answerJrom thefour choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with ct single line through the centre. ¨ Questions I to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heartl. 1. A) A student is complaining about her job. B) A student is trying to secure a job. C) A student is upset with her manager at rvork. D) A student doesnt have enough spare time to work. 2. A) The manager f


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