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Independent market research and competitive analysis of next-generation business and technology solutions for service providers and vendors Service-Based Architecture for 5G Core Networks A Heavy Reading white paper produced for Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. AUTHOR: GABRIEL BROWN, PRINCIPAL ANALYST, HEAVY READING A SERVICE-CENTRIC 5G CORE To meet the needs of new services, with diverse and demanding performance requirements, across a wide variety of industries, the 3GPP standards development organization is devel- oping a new 5G system architecture (5GS), including 5G New Radio (NR) access and a new 5G core network (5GC). This new core is fundamental to the commercial success of 5G be- cause it will enable new service types and benefits from cloud economics. This white paper focuses the service-based architecture (SBA) under development for 5GC and discusses why it is suitable for deployment on cloud infrastructure and can meet future service needs. The paper compares the SBA with the more familiar point -to-point (P2P) architectures defined for mobile core networks. It argues that the SBA is better aligned with the new cloud-native networking models being pursued by leading operators and makes the case for operators to adopt SBA as the preferred option for 5G core network deployment. Services Drive 5G Architectures Heavy Reading's firm and established view is that services will drive 5G architecture develop- ment and deployment. The opportunity is to support a very wide range of service types, each with associated economic models and technical requirements. By supporting this range of ser- vices –examples are shown in Figure 1 –operators can build a diversified revenue base with massive growth potential. By making 5G inherent to a multitude of consumer and business


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