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DELICIOUS FOOD !;;有巢氏 Diet is to eat birds and animals raw, do not belong to the diet culture.; 有巢氏 Diet is to eat birds and animals raw, do not belong to the diet culture.当时人们不懂人工取火和熟食。饮食状况是茹毛饮血,不属于饮食文化。 ;;;神农氏 耕而陶,是中国农业的开创者,尝百草,开创古医药学,发明耒耜,教民稼穑。;;周秦时期 Food forming period of Chinas food culture, the grain vegetable is the staple food 美食中国饮食文化的成形时期,以谷物蔬菜为主食。;;;明清时期;Chinas top ten cuisines(1~5) ; Jiangsu cuisine 苏菜;苏菜烹调技艺以炖、焖、煨著称;重视调汤,保持原汁。; 川菜;;;Jiaodong local dishes, to cook a variety of fresh sea famous. Its cooking from fushan dishes, cooking methods, is good at critical, Fried, grilled, steamed, taste is given priority to with fresh, lay particular stress on light, intense, onion garlic, especially cooked seafood, soup, and a variety of animal internal organs for long. Jinan cuisine remakes soup, especially the use of clear soup, cream soup and boil has strict rules, dishes to clean fresh crisp said. 胶东地方菜,以烹制各种海鲜菜驰名。它的烹调技术来自福山菜,烹调方法,擅长爆、炸、扒、蒸,口味以鲜为主,偏重清淡,味浓厚、嗜葱蒜,尤以烹制海鲜,汤菜和各种动物内脏为长。济南菜尤重制汤,清汤、奶汤的使用及熬制都有严格规定,菜品以清鲜脆嫩着称。;Traditionally extensive materials, novel strange and champions league national dishes, therefore is called eating in guangzhou, a legendary. The main characteristic of cantonese cuisine in the cooking is famous for its Fried, stewed, baked, bureau, exquisite fresh, tender, bright, smooth, to taste, crisp, fresh, light mainly. Has a five zi (incense, pine, smelly, fat, thick), the six flavors (acid, sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, fresh).;;;Hubei cuisine 楚菜 ;Chinas top ten cuisines(6~10);Zhejiang cuisine 浙菜 ;;;Hunan dishes East Anglia chicken, group of temples sharks fin, steaming LaWei close, bread whole duck, spicy chicken, turtle soup sheep, jishou acid meat, five yuan spring chicken, rock sugar XiangLian hundreds of.;FOREIGN;徽菜,中国八大菜系之一;;;In Beijing cuisine full-flavored trout, simple sense is diversiform, food is various, clear four seasons, has a perfect and unique cooking methods, to explode, fry, roast center, rinse, stewing,


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