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2017雅思口语经典试题实用技能   2016年的雅思口语考试已经过去了,又一年的硝烟战场被留在了考生们的身后。在这一年的雅思口语考试中出现了很多的具有借鉴意义的经典试题。究竟这些试题都是什么样子的呢,他们能给我们来年的雅思口语带来哪些借鉴呢?以下是小编为大家搜索整理的雅思口语经典试题实用技能,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生!   实用技能   P2 Describe a practical/special skill you have learned, e.g. cooking or driving (what is your purpose of learning it,when do you learn it ,how do you learn it ,do you think it is difficult to learn it)   P3 How do you study?   How do the ways of study change?   What is the difference between the courses of primary and college education?   What skills should children learn?   Do they learn fast?   How do adults learn things?   Whatrsquo;s the difference between their study in the past and now?   How to learn on internet?   擅长的事   P2 describe something you are good at (what it is, how you learnt it, when you began to do it, how often you do it, who taught you this, what do you feel)   P3 Do you think it is good or bad if parents force their children to do sth.?   What difficulties talented children may have in study?   Do you think smart children like to stay alone?   Some people are doing things to be famous, do you think so?   Is it easier for the youngsters to learn skills than old men?   What is important in learn new skills?   What kind of new skills may give you more opportunities?   Do you think the talent is playing an important part in learning new skills?   If a man has no talent, do you think itrsquo;s suitable for him to learn new skills? What he should do?   What kind of training schools are there in china?   雅思口语考试是一个非常重视临场发挥的考试项目。2016年的雅思口语考试经典的试题虽然看上去都很平常,但是还是要求大家在自己熟悉的题目和熟悉的事物中发挥自己的真实水平,所以大家一定不能掉以轻心。 更多雅思口语相关文章推荐: 1.2017年雅思口语常考话题 2.2017雅思口语经典试题实用技能 3.2017年雅思口语Part 1解析 4.2017备考雅思口语之变题期如何准备 5.2017年怎么备考雅思口语考试 6.2017年雅思口语考试技巧 7.2017雅思口语虚拟物品类答题方法 8.雅思口语高分的7种方法 9.雅思口语part2 虚拟物品怎么说 10.雅思口语如何备考才能达到七分


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