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PAGE PAGE 1 听力分项训练 Section One 短对话 1、W:This is my favorite time of year,the grass is getting green again and birds are singing in the trees. M:I prefer fall myself. The colours of the leaves changing are so beautiful. Q:In what season does this conversation take place? (A) 2、M:What’s your favorite sport, Ann? W:Mm, it’s hard to say. I like volleyball and tennis, but I think I like swimming better. Q:what sport does the woman like best? (C) 3、M:The light in this dinning room is a little too bright。Don’t you think? W:I think it’s perfect for a football stadium. Q:What does the woman mean? (B) 4、M:Ann. where should I change and leave my clothes? W:There is a locker room right past the information desk and main exercise room. Q:Where is this conversation most probably taking place? (A) 5、W:Do you like your new room? M:It’s nice to have enough space for my furniture. But I have to ride a long distance to the University. Q:What does the man think of his new room? ( A) 6、M:You seem to be one meter seventy. is it so? W:Yes. hut John is two centimeters taller than I. Q:How tall is John? (C) 7、M:What do you think of the science test, Rose? W:Well, I thought it difficult. But 1 was on the last page at the end of the first hour. Q:What do we learn from the conversation? (C) 8、M:Would you like to go to the dancing party with us tonight? W:Yes,Id like to, but I have to go to the airport. Q:Why can’t the woman go to the dancing party? (B) 9、M:I wonder if John will be here by 8:00. He’s supposed to be. W:His wife said he left at 7:30, so he should be here by 8:15 at the latest. Q:What time is John supposed to arrive? (B) 10、M:I’m really sorry I didn’t make it to your dinner party last night, Julie. W:Ii’s all right to say that now, but we wasted half the evening waiting for you to turn up. Q:How did Julie respond? (C) 11、M:I am the m


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