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布依族男女多喜欢穿蓝、青、黑、白等色布衣服。青壮年男子多包头巾,穿对襟短衣(或大襟长衣)和长 裤。老年人大多穿对襟短衣或长衫。妇女的 服饰各地不一,有的穿蓝黑色百褶长裙,有的喜欢在衣服上绣花,有的喜欢用白毛巾包头,带银质手镯、耳环、项圈等饰物。? Buyi clothes are almost blue, azury, black, white, etc. The young man always wear a baotou, a short jacket ( or a long jacket ) and a pair of long trousers. The women‘s clothes are different from place to place. Some of them like to wear black and blue pleated skirt. The others like to make some embroidery on the clothes, and some like to wear a white baotou with silver bracelets earrings and collar to decoration themselves. 三月三 农历三月初三是布依族人民最盛大的传统节日,是布依族祭山神,扫墓,祭祖及举行社交的活动的节日。这一天,有的地方的布依族要吃五色糯米饭。 March 3rd of the Chinese lunar calendar, is the most grand traditional festival for the Buyi people which is offering to the Mountain-Gods, visiting the graves and social activities. Some local Buyi people eat the colored sticky rice on this day. 四月八 节日这天要祭“牛王”和慰劳耕牛,把彩色糯米饭,酒肉等抬到耕牛前去祭祀,并用青草包糯米饭喂牛,让牛休息一天。 In April 8th,the Buyi people would offer sacrifices to the “king of OX” and reward the cattle. Sacrificing the cattle with the colored sticky rice ,wine and meat. Then, feeding the cattle with the sticky rice in the grass and let the cattle a day off. 六月六 六月六是布依族人民的传统佳节,有过“小年”之称。杀鸡宰猪后用白纸做成三角形的小旗,粘上鸡血或猪血,插在庄稼地里以示田神的祭祀。早上,家长带着孩子到田里传授生产知识和技艺;村寨里德高望重的老人要率领青壮年举行传统的祭盘古,扫寨赶“鬼”的活动。 June 6th is the traditional festival of the Buyi people,called“small year” .When it comes,many families will kill chicken,pig.They will make a triangle flag with chicken blood or pig blood on it.Then they are inserted in the farm so that worship to the filed of god.In the morning,parents teach the production of knowledge and technology to the children,the cherished men in the village will lead some young people to hold the sacrifice ceremony. 新方块布依字《道德经》第一篇《道德经》 译文(第一篇):经文原句:道可道,非常道; 布依译文:Ronl gaais nauz ndaix, miz daic ronl raiz; 经文原句:名可名,非常名。 布依译文:Xoh gaais raiz ndaix, miz daic xoh jail. 经文原句:无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。 布依译文:Miz xoh, ndux gaais mbenldih; lix xoh, meeh gaais faanh yaangz. 经文白话


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