C++ primer-第五版课后习题答案(完整版PDF).pdf

C++ primer-第五版课后习题答案(完整版PDF).pdf

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Chapter 1 Exercise 1.1 Review the documentationforyourcompilerand determinewhat file naming convention it uses.Compile and runthe main programfrom page 2. Windows Linux Exercise 1.2 Exercise 1.2:Changethe programto return-1.A returnvalue of -1is often treated as an indicatorthat the programfailed. Recompile and rerunyour programto see how yoursystemtreats a failure indicatorfrom main. Windows Linux 255?why? please lookat this Exercise 1.3 Write a programto print Hello,World onthe standard output. #include iostream int main() { std::cout Hello, World std::endl; return 0; } Exercise 1.4 Our program used the additionoperator,+,to addtwo numbers.Write a programthat uses the multiplicationoperator,*,to print the product instead. #include iostream int main() { std::cout Enter two numbers: std::endl; int v1 = 0, v2 = 0; std::cin v1 v2; std::cout The product of v1 and v2 is v1 * v2 std::endl; return 0; } Exercise 1.5 Wewrote the output inone large statement. Rewritethe programto use a separate statement to print eachoperand. #include iostream int main() { std::cout Enter two numbers: std::endl; int v1 = 0, v2 = 0; std::cin v1 v2; std::cout The product of ; std::cout v1; std::cout and ; std::cout v2; std::cout is ; std::cout v1 * v2; std::cout std::endl; return 0; } Exercise 1.6 Explainwhetherthefollowing programfragment is legal. Its illegal. [Error] expected primary-expression before token Fixed it: remove the spare semicolons. std::cout The sum of v1 and v2 is v1 + v2 std::endl; Exercise 1.7 Compile a programthat has incorrectly nested comments. Example: /* * comment pairs /* */ cannot nest. * cannot nest is considered source code, * as is the rest of the program */ int main() { return 0; } Compiled result(g++): Exercise 1.8 Indicatewhich, if a


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