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Culture:supernatural Disembodied when the One Ring was cut from his hand at the Battle of the Last Alliance in the Second Age , the Dark Lord Sauron became a shadowy echo of his former self. He begin the long search for the only thing that might restore his form and power,the lost One Ring. No more than a terrible will , he appeared as a great eye , lidless and slitted , wreathed in flame. Saruman ——萨鲁曼 Culture :wizard Once the wisest and greatest of the Lstari,the Wizards of Middle-earth,Saruman fell into darkness when he delved too deep into the study of his enemy’s ways. The Wizard’s pride and love of power overcame his wisdom,and all those to whom he had known as friend became his enemies. His force of 10000 Uruk-hai were defeated and his fortress of Isengard flooded by the March of the Ents. Orcs——奥克斯(半兽人) Uruk bal——使徒 Gollum——咕噜 Culture:stoor Tortured and wrought wretched by the lure of the One Ring,Gollum is a withered,piteous creature. When the Fellowship is broken,Gollum tries to steal the Ring from Frodo and Sam in The Two Towers,but ends up being their unlikely guide into Mordor,He is leading them into a trap so he can reclaim the One Ring for himself .Of course,he fail to get it and he died in the end. witchring——戒灵 Aragorn——阿拉贡 Culture:human A descendant of the lost line of the ancient kings of Men,Aragorn is fated to one day claim the empty throne of Gondor.Aragorn is a mighty warrior,wielding his blade with great adeptness in defense. In The Return of the King,he faces several challenges that determine the fate of Middle-earth. Culture:hobbit Frodo is a most unlikely hero.A Hobbit,small and quiet,but possessing a true and noble spirit,Frodo becomes the bearer of the One Ring when it is left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo.The task therefore falls to him to do what no one else can,and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. At the end of the story,he finished the task.He is a hero indeed. Frodo Baggins


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