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精选资料 可修改编辑 The?Characteristics?and?Translation?of?Business?Co ?(2010-06-22 18:57:50) 转载▼ 标签:? 杂谈 Contents Abstract: 1 1. General Introduction of Business Contracts English??4 1.1 Concept of Business Contracts English. 4 1.2 Basics of Business contracts English. 4 1.3 Structure of Business contracts English. 5 I. Contents of preamble. 5 III. Contents of Final Clauses. 5 2.??Main Features of Business Contracts English??5 2.1 Lexical Features. 5 2.1.1 Massive Use of Archaism.. 5 2.1.2 Abundance of Technical Terms and Abbreviated Expression??6 2.1.3Juxtaposition of Synonyms and Specialized Legal Meaning Words??7 2.1.4Usage of “Shall”. 7 3.1 Syntactic Features. 8 3.1.1 Logical Expressions. 8 3.1.2Compound Sentence. 8 3.1.3Statement Sentence. 9 3.1.4Conditional Clause and Attributive Clause. 9 4. Principles of Business Contract English Translation??10 4.1 Faithfulness. 10 4.2 Exactness. 10 4.3 Consistency. 11 5. Practical Analysis and Translation of Business Contract English??11 5.1Lexical Level 11 5.1.1Translation of Synonyms. 11 5.1.2Translation of Detailed Terms. 11 6.1 Syntactic Level 12 6.1.1 Adjustment of the Subject 12 6.1.2Adjustment of the Object 12 6.13Adjustment of the predicative. 13 Conclusion. 14 Notes: 15 Acknowledgement....................................................................................17 Abstract: A regime of contract is fundamental to modern society. The whole economy, even the whole social system bases on it. Along with the rapid development of global economy integration, international business are more and more frequent and, business English, as a tool for international economic exchange and business routines has a new type of comprehensive subject. More and more English-learners and law-majors hope they can know something about business English contracts so as to understand them correctly, translate them exactly and make them perfectly. However, business English co


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