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Treasure Now, Glorify Future. 中国雅思培训领导品牌 Treasure Now, Glorify Future. 牟秀 Questions: Choose TWO letters, A-E. What are the TWO reasons I decided to go to Australia? A beautiful landscape B nice country C warmth D friends E relatives ? I would like to share with you the reasons why I choose Australia. ? ? ? Many people believe that Australia is a nice country, but that is not the case for me. The reason why I decided to go to Australia is mainly because I got close friends there rather than its beautiful scenery. Also, I do like the relatively warm weather in Australia. As I said before, I hate cold places. 1、做题时要合理分配注意力 2、 but原则 3、 rather than后信息不选 4、 also 表并列,会带出答案; 答案会以同根词形式出现 多选题 读题技巧 解题步骤 考点预测 读题 考察阅读理解能力: 单词量语法 必须读懂:画出关键词 (定位词 考点词) 定位词:帮助确定录音原文的进程 考点词:带出答案 注意:对某些题目来说定位词=考点词;不是每一题都有定位词和考点词 数字之后的单词为关键词 What are the TWO reasons I decided to go to Australia? 听力多选题 解题步骤 读题 画出题目中的关键词(定位词考点词) 读题干画出题干中的关键词 (在不同中找相同在相同中找不同) 3. 听录音原文: 根据定位词确定题目进程根据考点词锁定答案 4. 抓到答案后与ABC进行对比 (正确答案通过同义替换,反义替换,同根词,改述体现) 是否能做对题大部分取决于你有多明白题目和选项!!! 选项之间的并列 最常用的 And (finally/then/in fact/also) Also But Of course 其他 One further point Alternatively 句意之间的转折– 没有明显的转折词 There are I think/thought/suggest/agree We used to have We hope that 疑问句 What about……? 812 (16-18) P12 Choose THREE letters, A-G Which THREE things can students have with them in the museum? A food B water C cameras D books E bags F pens G worksheets 831 (9-10) P58 Choose TWO letters, A-E Which TWO facilities in the district of Devon Close are open to the public at the moment? A museum B concert hall C cinema D sports centre E swimming pool 843 (21-22) P84 Choose TWO letters, A-E. In which TWO ways is Dan financing his course? A He is receiving money from the government. B His family are willing to help him. C The college is giving him a small grant. D His local council is supporting him for a limited period. E A former employer is providing


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