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(3)convenience n.便利,方便 at sb.’s convenience在某人方便的时候 for one’s convenience为了某人的方便 convenience food/store方便食品/便利店 翻译句子: Is it convenient for you to come out this evening? 今天晚上你出来方便吗? The house is very convenient for several schools. 这座房子离几所学校都很近。 I’m afraid this isn’t a very convenient time—could you call back later? 我恐怕现在不大方便,您能稍后打过来吗? 会议总是安排在管理层最方便的时候,希望员工们能够适应。 Meetings are always arranged at the management’s convenience and staff are expected to fit in. 你明天开始工作方便吗? Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 这些家具搬起来很方便。 The furniture is convenient to move. 【链接训练】 I bought this new house for its ________.Its very near the shops and there is a good transport service. A.adaptability  B.comfort  C.convenience  D.availability 【解析】 convenience“方便;便利”。句意为:我因为其便利而买下这套新房,它离商店近,交通便利。 【答案】 C 13. react vi.反应;作出回应;反对 1)react to sb/sth 对某人/某物作出反应? e.g.The eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光会起反应。 2)react on/upon sb/sth 对某人/某物有影响 e.g. Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶人有恶报。 3)react by doing sth 通过做某事作出反应 e.g. How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry. 你妈妈对这个消息反应如何? 她的反应是非常生气 4)react with sth 与……起化学反应 5)react against 反对 reaction. n. 反应;感应 例句:Local residents have reacted angrily to the news. 当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。 Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁和水及空气发生反应产生铁锈。 He reacted strongly against the artistic conventions of his time. 他强烈反对当时的艺术俗套。 【链接训练】 ①The students often react______the teachers’ criticism,whether it is good or not. A.with B.on C.for D.against 【解析】 句意为:学生经常对老师的批评作出反抗,不管是善意的还是恶意的。react against“反对,反抗”。react with...“与……发生反应”;react on“对……有影响,对……起作用”。 【答案】 D ②I am really a bit worried because I have no idea what my parents________will be to my poor examination result. A.expression B.reaction C.appearance D.expectation 【解析】 考查名词辨析。expression“表情,表达”;reaction“反应”;appearance“面容”;expectation“期望”。句意为:我真的有点担心,因为我不知道我父母对我这么差的考试成绩的反应如何。根据题意,可知答案为B。 【答


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