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PAGE 2012届工商管理专业毕业生论文(设计) 课题名称:论人民币汇率升值对江苏纺织品出口贸易的影响 学生姓名: 指导老师: 江南大学网络教育学院 2012年2月 PAGE I 论人民币汇率升值对江苏纺织品出口贸易的影响 内容摘要:人民币升值已是大势所趋,对纺织品的影响深远而复杂。本文通过分析人民币汇率升值和分析人民币升值对纺织行业造成影响的既成事实,探讨纺织品出口贸易的出路与途径。在经济全球化,贸易自由化的当前背景下,汇率构成了对贸易的非常重要的影响因素。加强汇率知识的学习,强化汇率风险防范的教育,灵活运用规避汇率风险的措施。同时提升产品档次,增加产品附加值,改变以廉价取胜的做法;加强自主知识产权的研发,创建产品品牌优势;积极拓展内销市场,降低人民币小幅升值的不利影响;大力拓展国际市场,积极实施出口多元化战略,加强行业自律。纺织品是我国出口大项,在人民币升值的情形之下,纺织品出口企业如何闯过难关,铺好未来的出口之路,措施和办法或许很多,关键是企业要真正认识到问题的严重性,面对现实,从实际出发,努力提升企业自身经营管理能力,积极拓展国际市场。 关键字:人民币汇率 江苏纺织品 出口贸易 The appreciation of RMB exchange rate on export trade of Jiangsu textile impact analysis and countermeasure research Abstract:The appreciation of the renminbi is represent the general trend of textiles, far-reaching and complex. This article through the analysis of RMB appreciation and the appreciation of the renminbi on the textile industry caused by the effects of an established fact, of textile export trade way and way. In the economic globalization, the liberalization of trade in the current context, the exchange rate of the very important factors affecting trade. To strengthen the exchange of knowledge, strengthen the exchange rate risk prevention education, flexible application to avoid exchange rate risk measures. At the same time, improve product quality, increase product added value, change to cheap win approach; to strengthen the development of independent intellectual property rights, to create brand products; actively expand the domestic market, reduce the adverse effect of RMB appreciation; to expand the international market, and actively implement the export diversification strategy, strengthen industry self-discipline. Textile is our country export items, appreciation of the renminbi in the circumstances, the textile export enterprises through export, paved the road to the future, measure and way perhaps many, the key is the enterprise should realize the seriousness of the problem, face the reality, from set out actually, strive to improve enterpri



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