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PAGE III “小荷塘”二维Flash动画的设计与制作 摘要:随着当今网络的发展,Flash已经成为一个必不可少的网页动画设计工具。Flash是美国的MACROMEDIA公司于1999年6月推出的优秀网页动画设计软件。它是一种交互式动画设计工具,用它可以将音乐,声效,动画以及富有新意的界面融合在一起,以制作出高品质的网页动态效果。具有体积小、互动性强、兼容性好的特点,一直受到动画制作者的青睐。如今,因特网上已具有成千上万个flash站点,让人尽情地享受这种多媒体技术所带来的动感,flash动画势必将成为未来网页的一大主流。在flash动画制作过程中,它的三大基本功能是整个Flash动画设计知识体系中最重要、也是最基础的,包括:绘图和编辑图形、补间动画和遮罩。这是三个紧密相连的逻辑功能,并且这三个功能自Flash诞生以来就存在。而其中AS动作脚本扮演着一个重要的角色,动作脚本是flash动画中使用的程序脚本,通过动作脚本,可以对动画进行高级的逻辑控制,能实现时间轴的特殊效果,能帮助用户按照自己的想法更加准确地创建电影。Flash中的影片剪辑技术也是我们这些初学者非常常用的一个工具,它把那些重复而又复杂的动画简单化,在时间轴上的特殊效果也充分的体现出来了,使我们制作起来更容易操作和理解。使用Flash中的各种技术相结合,并将它们融合至恰到好处时做出来的动画效果更加精彩纷呈,但是如何能掌握好flash动作脚本制作技术,已经成为广大学习者迫切需要解决的问题。 关键字:绘图;编辑图形;补间动画;遮罩;声效;影片剪辑 Animation design and facture, FLASH animation, "the small lotus pond" Abstract: with the development of today's network, Flash has become an indispensable web animation design tool. Flash is MACROMEDIA company in June 1999 in the United States launched the excellent web animation design software. It is a kind of interactive animation design tool, it can be music, sound, animation and innovative interfaces together, in order to produce high quality dynamic web pages effect. Have the characteristics of small volume, interactive and good compatibility, has been favored by animators. Today, the Internet has tens of thousands of flash site, let people fully enjoy the motion brought by the multimedia technology, flash animations will be web pages a mainstream in the future. In the process of flash animation, its three basic function is the most important in the flash animation design knowledge system, which is the most basic, including: drawing and editing graphics, animation and mask. This is closely related to the three logical functions, and these three functions have existed since the birth of Flash. And one of the AS actionscript plays an important role, action script is used in the flash animation program, through the action script,


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