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此文档是毕业设计外文翻译成品( 含英文原文+中文翻译),无需调整复杂的格式!下载之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文价格不贵,也就几十块钱!一辈子也就一次的事! 外文标题:Green packaging 外文作者:Susan E.M. Selke 文献出处: Microtechnology and nanotechnology in food science (pp.443-468),2018 (如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做) 英文7680单词,49978字符(字符就是印刷符),中文12070汉字。 Green packaging 16.1Introduction No matter how “green” the technology is for food production and processing, all is lost if the food does not get to the ultimate consumer in an acceptable condition. Condition in this context includes not only the obvious factors such as safety, quality, and nutritional value, but also factors such as appearance that factor into consumer acceptance. We depend on packaging to enable the food to get from where it is produced to where it is consumed. Even items that consumers may think of as“not packaged,” such as bulk produce, must be packaged for transport. Consequently, packaging is an essential part of overall “green” food production. It should not be surprising that efforts to improve sustainability or reduce the environmental foot- print of packaging are getting an increasing amount of attention across the industry. Of course, such efforts are not limited to food packaging, but with food and beverage packaging accounting for roughly half of all packaging, this sector is obviously extremely important in these efforts. This chapter starts with a discussion of packaging functions. Efforts to make packaging “greener” fail completely if the package does not perform its required functions, as that will result in waste of not only the package, but also the product. The chapter also discusses the importance of considering the entire packaging system, not just the consumer package. Also, remember that the entire package (and sometimes product) life cycle must be considered in any efforts to make packaging more “green.” This consideration will lead to examinations of definitions of sustainable packaging, and of tools for measuring environmental impacts of packaging systems. Finally,



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