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案例研究与分析报告 主讲人:王乐平 ;如何撰写项目计划书 企业咨询、诊断引导 案例研究与分析;一、如何撰写项目计划书 —— 项目计划书的框架;XX集团人力资源管理咨询项目计划书;致函;构建卓越人力资源管理体系 XX集团人力资源管理咨询项目计划书 ;This document was created for the exclusive use of our clients. It is not complete unless supported by the underlying detailed analyses and oral presentation. It must not be passed on to third parties except with the explicit prior consent of UNI CHANCE Management Consultants.;应湖南XXXX(集团)有限公司2006年1月18日发给长沙XXXX管理咨询公司的投标邀请函,我们为“湖南XXXX(集团)有限公司人力资源管理体系重构”项目编制了本建议书,呈交湖南XXXX(集团)有限公司(以下简称XX集团)。;This document was created for the exclusive use of our clients. It is not complete unless supported by the underlying detailed analyses and oral presentation. It must not be passed on to third parties except with the explicit prior consent of UNI CHANCE Management Consultants.;与省内各高校有密切的合作和交流,系湖南大学MBA研究基地,湖南师范大学商学院、湖南商学院指定合作单位;教育部职业能力认证指定合作机构;;XXXX成立以来为湖南省内许多大型国有和民营企业提供了各类管理咨询和培训服务;This document was created for the exclusive use of our clients. It is not complete unless supported by the underlying detailed analyses and oral presentation. It must not be passed on to third parties except with the explicit prior consent of UNI CHANCE Management Consultants.;项目背景及其由来 ;对XX集团人力资源管理现状的总体认识;XX集团现行人力资源管理模式;对XX集团人力资源管理问题的深层次思考 ;对XX集团人力资源管理问题的深层次思考 ;对XX集团人力资源管理问题的深层次思考 ;项目实施的原则 ;XXXX认为XX项目应从四个关键点切入;模块0;项目实施计划——分两阶段推进;This document was created for the exclusive use of our clients. It is not complete unless supported by the underlying detailed analyses and oral presentation. It must not be passed on to third parties except with the explicit prior consent of UNI CHANCE Management Consultants.;项目技术开发的指导方???;预期项目成果;XX集团岗位族;高;;预期项目成果;;预期项目成果;主要工作技术路线——薪酬管理体系设计;预期项目成果;;This document was created for the exclusive use of our clients. It is not complete unless supported by the underlying detailed analyses and oral presentation. It must not be passed on to third parties except with the explicit prior consent of UNI CHANCE Management Consultants.;;XX


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