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科技英语与翻译 翻译技巧(7) 名词性从句的翻译 所谓名词性从句,就是具备名词最主要的一些功能(即作主语、宾语、表语、介词宾语或同位语)的从句。英语名词性从句可分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句四大类。这些从句的翻译一般按原文的语序处理即可,相对较为容易。不过,在翻译以“it”为形式主语、形式宾语的主语从句、宾语从句时,语序视情况需要颠倒。本章重点介绍了一些常用表达方式的翻译方法。 1.主语从句(Subject Clauses) 1.1 有连接词引导的主语从句 由连接词引导的主语从句位于主语谓语之间,这时主句的谓语必定为单数第三人称。除了连接词“that”无词意外,其他连接词都有词义,并且充当句子某一成分。此类主语从句通常采用顺译法。如果主语从 ,可在主句与从句之间增加逗号。如: What is spoken of as absolute zero is the temperature 237℃ below zero. 所谓绝对零度就是摄氏零下237度。 How large this error is depends upon the nature of the measuring device and the skill with which we use it. 误差值的大小取决于测量仪器的性质和使用该仪器的技巧。 Why this is so will be seen later in this chapter. 其理由会在本章后面部分讨论。 Whether a transformer is step-up or step-down always refers to the voltage level. 变压器是升压的还是降压的,总是与电压电平有关。 Whichever coil is supplied with power from the outside is called the primary. 从外界获得能量的任一线圈,被称为初级。 That this phenomenon has connection with reflection may be seen from Fig.2.从图2可以看出,这一现象与反射有关。 It is clear that the sum, the difference, and the product of two polynomials are polynomials. 显然,两个多项式之和、差、积均为多项式。 It is generally believed that oil is derived from marine plant and animal life. 通常认为石油来源于海洋动植物。 It follows that these devices can perform the AND, OR, and NOT functions. 因此,这些器件能够执行“与”、“或”、“非”功能。 1.2 “It”充当形式主语(“it” functions as a Formal Subject) It is of interest that every function can be approximated by simple functions. 有趣的是,每个函数均可用一些简单函数来近似。 It can happen that the overall phase shift becomes zero. 可能会发生这样的情况:整个相位移变为零。 It turns out that the intensity of scattered light is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength. 结果发现,散射光的强度与波长的四次方成反比。 What does it mean that space is curved? 太空是弯曲的,这意味着什么? The limits show where the integral should start and end. 积分限表示应从哪里开始积分到哪里积分结束。 Temperature determines in what direction the transfer of heat will take place. 温度确定了热传递的方向。 You are told by Ohm’s law that the current in a circuit is prop


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