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SHL EXERCISE 1 Verbal In this test you are given some passages, each of which is followed by several statements. Your task is to evaluate the statements in the light of the information or opinions contained in the passage and to select your answer according to these rules. Select TRUE if the statement must be true based on the information in the passage. Select FALSE if the statement is definitely false given the information in the passage. Select CANNOT SAY if you cannot say whether the statement is true or false without further information. Base your answers only on the information given in the passage You have 20 minutes to finish 36 questions in this section. A divide has emerged between those supporting and those opposing active forest management as concerns about the environmental problems resulting from deforestation have increased. There is currently a large volume of research regarding the management of forest ecosystems, tree breeding and the selection of species and varieties. This was partially related to the passing of forestry laws in the majority of Western nations in the 20th century which was in response to growing conservationist social ideals and the technological advances of logging companies. Reforestation is one way to apply modern forestry whereby trees are planted and cultivated in a designated area. Further to this, damage to property, human injury and even death can be prevented with the application of good forestry. Question 1: Modern forestry can be used to aid planting and reforestation. True False Cannot Say Question 2: Good forestry cannot prevent loss of human life. True False Cannot Say Question 3: In the twentieth century, conservationist ideals grew in the West. True False Cannot S


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