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PAGE 课题:Unit 2 Not Too Short 写作课课堂导学案 学习目标: 要运用已经学习的特殊疑问词,来理清自己的写作思路,本课以记叙文为重点。 学会先从范文入手,总结作者的写作思路,最后形成自身的良好写作习惯。 要知道在写作中正确的写作顺序,去写一篇与范文相仿的文章。 重点:要对范文篇章的结构进行理解分析。 难点:如何理清自身的写作脉络。 课堂导学: Checking activities(检查活动) 4人一组的小组,组长用自己已批注的导学案带领组内成员一起核对导学案,并针对组员的错误进行解答。 如果遇到组内不能解答的问题,进行标注,稍后组组间交流。 核对答案后,把自己组提出的问题,在组与组之间先互相解答,教师会在组与组解答中给予补充。 Learning new-knowledge activities (学习新知) 我们今天刚刚做了对预习导学案上的通知的分析,下面我们来对记叙文的内容写作进行练习: 英语记叙文的写作方法 1.? 基本的结构: 1开端(beginning)2发展(developing)3高潮(climax) 4结局(ending). 2.? 内容: 1时间(when),2地点(where),3人物(who)4什么事(what happened), 5如何发生(how happened) 6发生的原因(why)。 自读下面这篇文章,完成相关任务: A Yesterday was the first day of the military training(军训). I was dreaming when the bell for getting up rang. The moment I heard the bell, I rose immediately(马上起身), dressed quickly and then rushed to the playground. The drillmaster(教官) asked us to finish preparations within only six minutes. The drillmaster was very strict with us. We had to drill(训练) an action again and again until he was satisfied. At break time, he joined us in singing, dancing and telling stories .We were getting on very well. The sun was so strong that our clothes were all wet . But we still went on drilling .One of my classmates even fell to the ground because of the hotness. Who is the passage talking about?______________________________________________ When did we begin to drill?_______________________________________ What did the drillmaster do in the military training?_________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Why do we love the drillmaster though he is strict with us? _______________________________________________________________________________ B The teacher I remember very well was a woman teacher. She took so much care of the students and was so happy about how well we did that we all regard her as a mother. She always asked us to learn.


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