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Why all babies love peekaboo 为什么宝宝都爱躲猫猫 Peekaboo is a game played over the world, crossing language and cultural barriers. Why is it so universal? Perhaps because it ’s such a powerful learning tool. 躲猫猫游戏风行世界各地, 跨越语言和文化障碍, 为何它如此普遍?也许因为它 是一种强大的学习工具。 One of us hides our eyes and then slowly reveals them. This causes peals of laughter from a baby, which causes us to laugh in turn. Then we do it again. And again. 遮住双眼, 手再缓缓移开。 这样的动作会把婴儿逗得咯咯笑, 我们也就跟着这一 连串笑声笑了起来。接着就开始一直玩躲猫猫,一直玩。 Peekaboo never gets old. Not only does my own infant daughter seem happy to do it for hours, but when I was young I played it with my mum (you chuckled a lot! she confirms by text message) and so on back through the generations. We are all born with unique personalities, in unique situations and with unique genes. So why is it that babies across the world are constantly rediscovering peekaboo for themselves? 躲猫猫永远不会过时。 现在我女儿还很小, 我们玩几个小时, 她看上去都很开心; 在我小的时候,妈妈也和我玩躲猫猫(“你总是咯咯大笑!”她在短信中确认 道。),再回溯数代,均是如此。我们生来都具不同个性,生于不同背景,也有着 不同基因。那么,为什么全世界的婴幼儿还是对躲猫猫乐此不疲呢? Babies dont read books, and they dont know that many people, so thesurprising durability and cultural universality of peekaboo is perhaps a clue that it taps into something fundamental in their minds. No mere habit or fashion, the game can help show us the foundations on which adult human thought is built. 宝宝不懂看书, 也不认识那么多人, 而躲猫猫游戏惊人的耐玩性, 跨越文化的普 遍性也许就是一种引导, 它能接近孩子们心中最根本的想法。 这不仅仅只是一种 习惯或流行,它能帮助我们认清成人想法建立的基础。 An early theory of why babies enjoy peekaboo is that they are surprised when things come back after being out of sight. This may not sound like a good basis for laughs to you or I, with our adult brains, but to appreciate the joke you have to realise that for a baby, nothing is given. They are born into a buzzing confusion, and gradually have to learn to make sen


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