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Guided Writing Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: 常见错误及问题 根本不写文章开头“读书破万卷”的诗句的译文。或不理解“读书破万卷”的意思。 论点不明确。 论据不充分,逻辑关系有问题。 人称混乱。 写成抒情散文。 可以采用的观点 读书有助于写作。 读书对我们(我)的益处。 要学会读书,要读懂书。 读书要与思考(兴趣)相结合。 … 表扬 2班:顾敏倩、宋昊渊、王薇茹、童望越、金嘉捷、陆旻喆、龚星蒙、舒从嘉 6班:吴旭恒、詹可嘉、宋子腾、严佳卉、叶紫清、张叶琪、周立 * Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 常言道:“读书破万卷。”请结合自己的实际情况谈谈对读书的感悟。 Word Bank “读书破万卷”,“下笔如有神” Read wide, and you will wisely write. Ample reading produces fluent writing. Thousands of knowledge accumulation breeds a godlike mind. 对于俗语的翻译及解释。你对于读书的观点(论点)。 重述观点。提出倡议。 支持你对读书的观点的理由(论据)。 范文1: As the saying goes “Ample reading leads to fluent writing”. I hold the opinion that reading more books benefits us students a lot. 对于“常言道:…”的翻译。 明确写出本人对于读书的观点:多读书对我们学生大有裨益。 Firstly, reading is an effective way to relax ourselves in our spare time. After a week’s study, reading some interesting books can reduce our psychological burden and helps us regain joy. Secondly, reading books can expand our horizons. Not all of us has chance to travel abroad but everyone can know other countries by reading. The excellent pictures and introductions of foreign countries let us know something about the whole world. 理由:1、有效的放松方式;2、开阔视野 I love reading also for the following reason. Reading can improve my writing . I’m used to reciting some famous and beautiful sentences in books and using them in my own articles. Gradually, my writing skill becomes better and better. Reading is such a pleasant thing that I really love. Without books, my world wouldn’t be so colourful. 再次表达对阅读的感受。如果能与第一段中的观点对应度更高些则更好。 理由:3、与本人的关系:有助写作(呼应文章开头) 范文2: As the saying goes, read more than ten thousand books. As far as I am concerned, we should read the books which we really like. 对于“常言道:…”的翻译。(未能翻译完整) 明确写出本人对于读书的观点:我们应该读我们真正喜欢的书。 Reading our favourite books can make us absorbed in the books so that we can learn a lot from them. Once I read a book I l


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