人教PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit3 Weather Read and write》课件.ppt

人教PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit3 Weather Read and write》课件.ppt

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Unit3 Weather Read and write ? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? cold cold cold day cool cool cool cool cool cool day warm day warm day hot hot hot day sunny sunny sunny day windy windy windy day snowy day snowy day rainy rainy rainy day What's the song about(关于)? John’s father is outside. Task 1: Listen and choose Where is John’s father? A. Sydney B. New York Sydney Sydney Opera House 悉尼 歌剧院 Task 2: Listen,read and answer 1.What’s the weather like in Sydney? 2.Is the water cold in Sydney? 3.Can John’s dad swim(游泳) outside? Tip:Underline the key words.横线划出关键词 Task 3: Show the answers 1.What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s hot and sunny. 2.Is the water cold in Sydney? No, it isn’t. 3.Can John’s dad swim(游泳) outside? Yes, he can. Task 4: Listen it better Hi, John! How are you? I’m in Sydney now. It’s great! It’s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad 1:听音体会 Pay attention to (注意) pauses (意群的停顿) sentence stress (句子的重音) intonation (声调) Task 5: Listen and follow Hi, John! How are you? I’m in Sydney now. It’s great! It’s hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite? Love, Dad 2:听音跟读 pay more attention to the sentence stress, sense groups and intonation. (听音跟读,请模仿录音的重音、意群的停顿以及声调。) Is it windy? Let’s look outside! Task 6: Read and write 1.What’s the weather like in Sydney? 2.Is the water cold in Sydney? No, it isn’t. 3.Can John’s dad swim(游泳) outside? Yes, he can. 句子注意句首字母大写、单词之间空一个字母的距离,句尾别忘了写标点,标点在三线! It's hot and sunny. Let’s look outside! Is it windy? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. postcard 明信片 postal code 邮编 stamp 邮票 the receiver's address 收信人地址 2 7 6 0 0 0 Hi,______ How are you? I'm in______.It's great! I like it. It‘s ___ and ___ here.I can



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