The Changing Weahter中职英语拓展模块Unit 10课件3语文版.ppt

The Changing Weahter中职英语拓展模块Unit 10课件3语文版.ppt

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Revision Read the words and expressions we learnt last class together. How is the weather today ? Its sunny and hot. Whats the weather like today ? Its cloudy Lead in Weather snow rain shower wind cloud storm sunn y cloud y rain y snow y wind y storm y shower y sun cool warm cloudy sunny spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 rainy cold snowy freezing windy hot dry wet What is the difference between climate and weather? ? Climate refers to a relatively stable climatic condition in a place for along time, including cloudy and sunny, wet and dry, windy and rainy and so on; the whether refers to a particular day of the weather. 气候指一个地方长期的较 为固定的气候状态,包括阴晴、干湿、风雨等情况在内;而天气 则指某特定日子的天气情况。 Reading strategy Exposition Structure Main Body Fast Reading Find out the main idea of the text. It is true that man changes his living habits in order to adjust to climate changes as well, though more slowly. Careful Reading Read paragraph 1-3. It is thought that differences in skin color are the result of climate adaptation . 1.How is climate related to the color of human skin? Mans size Man has been on earth about one million years. He has managed to live on every part of the planet, even though some climates have made life more difficult than others. Where man has remained , he apparently has undergone some physical changes that have helped him adapt to his climate. It is thought that differences in skin color are the result of climatic adaptation. People from hot climates generally have burning black or brown skin.The lightest skinned people generally come from colder regions. Mans size also seems to vary according to climate. People living in colder regions are generally larger than those living in hotter ones. climate Physical changes Skin color Mans size adapt How does climate affect peoples life? Read listen find discuss 1.How is climate related


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