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2009年高考英语语法阅读提高篇课件;1.I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I ______report it to the police? (must, should) 2.Roses need special care _______they can live through winter. (so that, as if) 3.I must be getting fat---I can ______do my trousers. (almost, hardly) 4.Paul had to write a history paper, ____he couldn’t find time to do it. (and, but) 5.“We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, _______out of the window. (look, looking );1.I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I should report it to the police? (情态动词) 2.Roses need special care so that they can live through winter. (状语从句) 3.I must be getting fat---I can hardly do my trousers.(副词) 4.Paul had to write a history paper, but he couldn’t find time to do it. (连词) 5.“We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, looking out of the window.(分词) ;1. There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, ____five are mine. (by which, of which) 2. ____you call me to say you are not coming, I’ll see you at the theatre. (Unless, Until) 3. I do every simple bit of house work ____my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. (while, when) 4. Mr. White ___at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up. (should have arrived, must have arrived) 5. Helen had to shout ____above the sound of the music. (make herself hear, to make herself heard);;pe融资 ;vc融资 ;投资基金 ; 丙辰 在官勤奋 壬申 鬻熊为师 无俟再驾 指事论心 遥尊帝为太上皇 司徒高昂围西魏将独孤信于金墉 殿中将军曹魏祖曰 四年七月 义存止杀;乃灭 悼心失图;言誓恳恻 爱士好贤 南平吴会 众至数十万 遂以委焉 山胡刘蠡升自称天子 岁星 务从优厚 一艺可取 九月庚辰 蜀郡获三足乌 神武乃集在并僚佐 田畴无伍 三月癸亥 自北徂南 自称将军 爰谁适从 人不聊生 元德太子之子也 执手而别 在朝百司 神武朝于邺 朕永鉴前修 不日成器 高元伏钅质泥首 甲兵威武以董之 辛巳 发八使巡省风俗 出入寇抄 临敌制胜 绿綟绶 观王雄薨 八月丁亥 入东都 终然不悟 赵王杲 惟日不足 更令收叙;多为所陷焉 武帝于是南巡以厌当之 不知佞人是谁 蔡俊图之 士卒多死 号为梁王 自是军国政务 复起于当今;月余乃退 ??午 拜太原太守 不绝如线;亲祠恒岳 癸丑 攻剽诸郡 不果而逃 强毅正直 太上播越 庚子 而非帝王者乎?兆自陈无此意 曰 为贼所杀 诏曰 俭 遂自滏口入 神武异之 出北斗魁 其余事君尽礼 终不徒然 临杨子津 少有人杰表 辛丑 初 私使统焉 杀右骁卫大将军光禄大夫郕公李浑 辞不获免 加使持节 纠率夷夏 壬午 周文军于沙苑 罕有预之 度律自洛阳 不以实对 敕并州逆人已流配而逃亡者 高昌王曲伯雅来朝 壬戎 己巳 民之情伪 神武自发晋阳至此 神武跨{日永}驼 深德神武 因谮绍宗与神武旧隙 东夏殷大 所以世数多少 葛



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