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个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途 高一英语同步练习 必修 2 Unit 4 Wild life protection 第 2 课时 Reading 基础练习 : 阅读小短文 , 判断正误 . Endangered Blue Whales The blue whale is the largest of all whales and is said to be the largest animals in the Earth ’s history. The average length of an adult blue whale is 79 to 88 feet and the average weight is 130 to 150 tons. Blue whales prefer cold waters and open seas and prefer not to go near coastal areas; however, some whales have been seen off the coast of Peru.b1bl2kGgnR The blue whale mostly eats krill( 磷虾 >. It can eat several tons of krill daily. Researchers once believed that the blue whale only eats in the summer, seldom eating during the rest of the year, but recent research has suggested that some blue whales in the north may eat all year round and that blue whales traveling with empty stomachs may stop eating during migration and begin feeding again in “wintering ” areas. b1bl2kGgnR 1 / 11 个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途 Over 350,000 whales have been hunted and killed, and by the 1960s, blue whales were on the edge of dying out. There are probably only around 2,500 blue whales left in the oceans now and they are legally protected despite opposition by the whaling industry.b1bl2kGgnR 1.The blue whale is said to be the largest animals in the Earth ’s history.b1bl2kGgnR 2.Blue whales prefer warm waters and open seas and prefer not to go near coastal areas;b1bl2kGgnR 3.The blue whale mostly feeds on krill and it can eat several tons of krill every two days.b1bl2kGgnR 4.Blue whales traveling with empty stomachs may stop to eat during migration.b1bl2kGgnR 5.Over 350,000 whales have been hunted and killed,


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