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读后续写常用句型 精品文档 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 读后续写的好词好句反复应用 情感好词: 喜乐 ?①?????The smile on her face shone like a diamond. ②?????A simile of understanding flashed across his face. ③?????A ripple of excitement ran through them. ④?????Laughter lingered around the room. ⑤?????His eyes twinkled with pleasure. ⑥?????A wild gaiety(快乐)?took hold of her. ⑦?????Unforgettable were her eyes that?shone?like?diamonds?and lips held in?a?steady?smile. ⑧?????I was wild with joy. ⑨?????I was pleased beyond description. ⑩?????She wore a shining smile on her face. ????????Her smile lit up the whole room. ????????She shed tears of joy. ????????Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds. ????????She was overflowing with happiness. ????????Her flushed face was shining with excitement. ????????Joy welled up inside her. ????????I was floating on air. ????????Amusement gleamed in his eyes. 愤怒: ①?????I was seized by anger. ②?????He was fuming with rage. ③?????His anger boiled over. ④?????He could hardly/scarcely contain his rage. ⑤?????He was breathing fire and fury. ⑥?????His?voice?trembled?with?anger. ⑦?????He gave me a look of burning anger. ⑧?????He glared at me with burning eyes. ⑨?????He flared up at the word. ⑩?????His face clouded with anger. 悲伤烦恼 ?①?????He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. ②?????I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness. ③?????Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears. ④?????Hearing the news,?so?desperate?was?he?that?he?drowned?sadness?in?wine. ⑤?????She burst into tears and ran out of the room. ⑥?????She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands. ⑦?????I tried to fight back tears.??/My eyes were filled with tears. ⑧?????A frown(皱眉)now stood on his face. ⑨?????They sat there with glum looks on their faces.????? ⑩?????The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face. ????????He brimmed over with sorrow when... ????????They were immersed in sorrow. ????????These days he was in low spirits. 害怕: ①He turned to me, wit


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