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- - PAGE # - - - PAGE # - 课时作业(一) Module 1 Section I Introduction Reading 单词拼写 rm afraid I have no alterna 选择)but to ask you to leave. She is deaf, but refuses to let her disability ( 残疾)prevent her from doing what she wants to do. Without warning, the terrorist started to fire ( 开火)at the crowd. Its said that the man is a dan gerous crim in al ( 罪犯)because he has killed his wife and his two childre n. A knife was found at the scene of the crime (犯罪) and it was sent to the police stati on immediately. The police had to arres 逮捕)her for drunk — driving. Its risky ( 冒险的)to take the medici ne without readi ng the in struct ions. . No one believed her prediction ( 预测)that the world would end. . This country is rich in natural, mineral and agricultural resources ( 资源). . Its a rule that large trucks shall not travel with in the citys limits ( 范 围). n.用下列短语的适当形式填空 for sure , run out , rely on, get rid of, be loaded with , have a good comma nd of, free of charge , at the flick of the switch , attach importanee to , use up 1. I know for sure that I wont be able to go to the party. . It is necessary to attach importanee to _ the education and management of Party members. . You should consider how to get rid of your bad habits. . The 8-year-old boy has a good comma nd of three foreig n Ian guages, which is amaz ing. As soon as the water and food ran out,_the enemy gave in. . The truck that was loaded with sand stopped before us suddenly. . My brother can help. At least we can rely_on him._ _ . The machine began to run at the flick of the switch. . This book is free of charge, so you wont pay for it. . rm afraid we will use up our natural resources one day. 川.阅读理解 What are your retirement plans? Keep working? Get more exercise? Or learn something new? You may put_them_on_hold. Theres a chanee that, sooner or later, you might have to move further than you were thinking, as far as Mars ( On Thursday, National Geographic will show the first ever Mars show home,


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