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诗意的真实--探析安德烈·塔尔科夫斯基的电影观 Classified Index: University Code: 10075 U.D.C: NO: A Dissertation for the Degree of M. ArtsPoetic truth-Andre Tarkovsky’s movie analysis Candidate :Cui Haoyue Supervisor :Prof.Jiang Min Academic Degree Applied for : Master Degree of Arts Speciality : Broadcast and TV art subgect University :Hebei University Date of Oral Examination : May,2012 摘 要摘 要 塔尔科夫斯基是苏联昀伟大的电影大师之一,他的电影艺术风格对欧洲乃至世界 的影视作品有着极为重要的影响。塔尔科夫斯基以充满想象力的视听语言,梦幻的叙 事方式,诗意的表达内涵,构建起一个属于自己的电影王国。他的一生历尽艰辛,在 困窘中拍摄了七部长篇故事片,每一部都堪称经典。 他的电影中包含着平日里一点一滴对生命的体验,运用诗意的镜头语言表达对美 的渴望,对返璞归真的追求,让每一个观影的人都可以沉浸其中,勾勒出一个属于自 己的“想象世界”。塔尔科夫斯基的电影是对上帝的祈祷是他的信仰,穷其一生他都在 孜孜不倦的追求这一目标。塔尔科夫斯基作品的独特之处在于运用诗意的表达方式, 营造了一种表面上梦幻实则本质上真实的“想象世界”。这个世界根植于现实同时具有 梦幻的超现实意味,这种“诗意”和“真实”之间看似矛盾实则统一。我们要融入到 塔尔科夫斯基所营造的“诗意”当中,才能真正的理解他所表达的“真实”。 本文试图从塔尔科夫斯基电影视听语言入手,强调塔尔科夫斯基的电影观对诗电 影创作的影响,探索其诗电影的本质以及审美价值。结合塔尔科夫斯基宗教文化背景 的传统理念,分析影像,解读塔尔科夫斯基电影观念的认知,进一步深刻挖掘其创作 目的及其电影世界的本质。 关键词:视听语言 生命的信仰 诗意的智慧 真实 电影观本质 IAbstractAbstract Andre Tarkovsky is the greatest Soviet film masters of the art style, his films has an important influence on Europe and the world of the film. Tarkovsky construct a poetic world, full of fantastic audio-visual language, image. His life has gone through hardships, in embarrassment of shooting seven full-length feature films, each of the classic. His films include weekdays, every little bit of life experience. Using poetic lens express the desire of beauty, to recover one's original simplicity pursuit. Let every moviegoers can immerse a belongs to own "the imagination of the world". Tarkovsky put faith into the movie, this is his ideal. Tarkovsky's work is unique in the use of poetic expression, create a surface is essentially true" dream world of imagination". This world is rooted in not from reality fantasy with surreal means, this poetic and real between seemingly contradictory but uniform. If we want to understand the interpretation of the" true" then we must deeply he crea


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