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module 1 Academic British parliamentary Debate Parliament (议会)权力和立法机关监督政府 The House of common(下议院)650 名议员组成,每名有当地人选出代表 国家的每个地区。 The house of lord (上议院) The government and opposition 政府负责安排两院的事务,执行两院的政策。 反对党批评政府,希望对政策的制定以及立法工作提出建设性意见,以 便下次选举时,获得有利的选票 Motion (议案) 1.motions of value focus on abstract moral and philosophical principal For example:自由比平等更有价值 仁慈的专制是最好的政府模式 用一条无辜的性命去拯救10 人是道德的。 2.Motions of policy are plans of action t solve an extra problem。 For example:本院主张废除禁止虐待动物的法律 本院主张禁止发布错误言论的演讲 本院相信欧盟应该为奖励父母生孩子 本院将会禁止平民使用核能 我们的辩论主要是policy motions A closed motion (封闭) 在议会制辩论中,PM (prime ministe 首相)被赋予(set the ground fo the debate)划定辩论范围的权力,通过定义和解释motion,换句 话就是说,PM 可以缩小或者扩大辩论的范围。一个 closed motion 解 释和定义的范围是固定的。但是semi motion (半封闭)和open motion 却相对可以自由的定义。我们不用定义所有的 term (概念),当这些概 念被观众所知道的。但这个motion 的term 大家都清楚的明白时,我们 就 describe statue quo (现象和背景)或者说存在的问题。如本院将 废除国际妇女节。这个 motion 我们就不要 interpret (解释),just describe the statue quo as follow: International Women’s Day is aimed at providing the opportunity to celebrate the progress made to advance equality,justice,peace and development. It is evidence that women in the urban area in china have achieved equal rights and enjoy their lives as men do.this indeed is worth celebrating.but what about the majority of women in rural area? They are still suffering from poverty. While their might be wo ied about food for thei children,not to stay fo themselves. We have to remembe that more than 30 million people in china is unde the poverty line, of which more than half are women. Ladies and gentlemen, having this in your mind, do you still want to celebrate international women’s day? We are pleased to have this opportunity to address this problem that is faced by thousands of women. 相同的像:本院将废除独生子女制度。大家都明白就不用interpret。 An Semi-closed motion 半封闭的motions 有相对更大


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