《What does he do》PPT课件23[文字可编辑].ppt

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Unit 5 What does he do? How many jobs( 工作 ) can you see? She/He is a… What does she/he do? 她 / 他是做什么的? Career Day ( 职业体验日 ) Career Day ( 职业体验日 ) Hi, John ! What are you going to be( 成为 ) ? Im going to be a police officer . PPT 模板: /moban/ PPT 素材: /sucai/ PPT 背景: /beijing/ PPT 图表: /tubiao/ PPT 下载: /xiazai/ PPT 教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载: /ziliao/ 范文下载: /fa nwen/ 试卷下载: /shiti/ 教案下载: /ji aoan/ PPT 论坛: PPT 课件: /ke jian/ 语文课件: /kejian/yuw en/ 数学课件: /kej ian/shuxue/ 英语课件: /kejian/ying yu/ 美术课件: /kej ian/me ishu/ 科学课件: /kejian/kexue/ 物理课件: /kej ian/wul i/ 化学课件: /kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件: /keji an/she ngwu/ 地理课件: /kejian/dili/ 历史课件: /kej ian/lishi/ Career Day police offic er police man police woman post office 警察(男女皆可 ) Career Day Hi, John ! What are you going to be ? Im going to be a police officer . Because my father is a police offic er . Cool! What does your mother do? She‘s a ______. teach er What about your mother? Career Day No, she isnt. Is your mother a ____________? police offic er What does she do? She is a factory work er . Career Day facto ry work er 工厂工人 make things we need in daily life( 制造生活所需之物 ) fer ry Career Day And your dad? What does ____ ____? He is a post man( 邮递员 ) . he do Career Day post man Career Day What are you going to be ( 成为 ) ? Im going to be a business woman . 女商人 Career Day business woman business man /z/ /s/ Career Day My father is a _______. My mother is a ________. Im going to be a __________. police offic er police offic er teach er Career Day My father is a _______. My mother is a ________ _______. Im going to be a _______________. post man factory work er business woman Who


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