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Kwan Chee Wei Director Human Capital Group Watson Wyatt Singapore ;Agenda ;Agenda;‘Cultural & People’ Issues Often Present the Biggest Challenges;Watson Wyatt M & A Survey 1998 (190 CEOs, CFO, Top Executives) ;Corporate culture is identified as one of the most important integration issues ;Cultural incompatibility is the biggest problem, yet results indicate that it is the area least likely researched during due diligence.;Reasons for successful integration;Additional M & A Statistics ;How integration is handled will make the difference between success or failure ...;Organizational Effectiveness Levers ;Agenda;What is culture?;Reflects “What is tangible”, e.g. Organisational structure & processes Policies & procedures Physical environment;;Agenda;Our Approach to Cultural Integration;Agenda ;A Case Study: Background Information;Interviews Focus Groups Management Workshop;Mission # 1 in the region Customer Focused Profit Driven;Defining the new Core Values;;; Intense competition Increasing customer demands and sophistication Leveraging leading-edge technology; Professional and flexible Better decision making process Clear performance - based rewards More inter-department collaboration Tailored employee communication ;Mission Customer service quality Bottom-line driven ;New Core Values;Interviews Focus Groups Management Workshop;Reinforcing New Culture;Employee acceptance and support was enhanced through a comprehensive communication plan;Communication Plan;Performance Management;;Culture Development Initiatives;Leadership Development Plan;Learning and Development Plan;;Organization Measurement;Lessons Learned;一个人快乐不是因为他拥有得多,而是因为计较得少。。五月-20五月-20Monday, May 11, 2020 对心胸卑鄙的人来说,他是嫉妒的奴隶;对有学问有气质的人而言,嫉妒却化为竞争心。 生命力的意义在于拚搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。。18:41:5518:41:5518:415/11/2020 6:41:55 PM 把拳头收回来是为了更有力地还击。。五月-2018:41:5518:41May-2011-May-20 经营企业就是经营人心。。18:41:5518:41:5518:41Monday, May 11, 2020 获得成功有两个重要的前题:一是坚决,二是忍耐。。五月-20五月-2018:41:5518:41:55May 11, 2020 不要嘲笑铁树。为了开一次花,它付出了比别的树种更长


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