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1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本(中英文) 美国对外贸易定义》1941年修订本 《美国对外贸易定义》1941年修订本 2919年美国 一些商业团体制定了有关对外贸易定义的统一解释,随着贸易习 惯和经营做法的演变,在1940年举行的美国第27届全国对外贸 易会议上对原有定义作了修改。1941年7月30日,美国商会、美 国进口商全国理事会和全国对外贸易理事会所组成的联合委员会 正式通过并采用了此项定义,并由全国对外贸易理事会发行。 在2941年修订本中,除对原产地交货Ex一point oforigin、 装运港船边交货F AS、装运港交货运费在内C衣F、装运港交 货运费保险费在内CIF、目的港码头交货EXQ等贸易术语 作了解释外,还对装运港船上交货FOB作了解释。它把FOB 分为六种类型,其中只有第五种才与国际贸易中一般通用的FOB 贸易术语的含义大体相似,而其余五种FOB的含义则有明显差 异。该《定义》本身并无法律约束力,只有当买卖双方接受此项定 义作为买卖合同的一个组成部分时,它才对各有关当事人产生约 束力。由于《美国对外贸易定义》对明确买卖双方权利与义务、简 化贸易手续和便利合同的签订与履行等方面,具有积极意义,因 此,它曾在南北美洲各国有很大的影响。然而,由于国际商会制定 的《国际贸易术语解释通则》在国际上的影响越来越大,绝大多数 国际贸易从业人员都接受了《通则》的解释,美国制定《定义》的 团体已同意不再继续使用该项定义。 FOREIGN TRADE DEFINITIONS The following definitions of the National Foreign Trade Council, Inc., are reproduced for information purposes only. They are NOT to be construed as part of the National Oilseed Processors Association trading rules. They are reprinted through the courtesy of National Foreign Trade Council, Inc., the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, and the National Council of American Importers, IncRevisedAmerican Foreign Trade Definitions1941 Adopted July 30, 1941, by a Joint Committee representing the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, the National Council of American Importers, Inc., and the National Foreign Trade Council, IncFOREWORD Since the issuance of American Foreign Trade Definitions in 1919. many changes in practice have occurred. The 1919 Definitions did much to clarify and simplify foreign trade practice, and received wide recognition and use by buyers and sellers throughout the world. At the Twenty-Seventh National Foreign Trade Convention, 1940, further revision and clarification of these Definitions was urged as necessary to assist the foreign trader in the handling of his transactionsThe following Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions?1941 are recommended for general use by both exporters and importers. These revised definitions have no


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