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英语 返回 谢谢观看 标题字体为:方正古隶简体 教程在最后一页哦。 * 第二部分 话题专项训练  话题十九 历史与社会 2021年最新《中考备战》 01 话 题 教 材 梳 理 02 话 题 综 合 练 习 目录导航 话 题 教 材 梳 理 温馨提示:请完成单独成册的《教材梳理话题写作》、《教材话题组块复习》话题十九的内容。 话 题 综 合 练 习 一、完形填空 ( )1.A.lived B.talked C.came D.danced ( )2.A.planted B.collectedC.watched D.bought ( )3.A.found B.used C.shared D.sold ( )4.A.polite B.kind C.careful D.clever ( )5.A.worse B.faster C.easier D.harder A B C D C ( )6.A.dangers B.stories C.people D.animals ( )7.A.waiting for B.looking for C.turning on D.putting on ( )8.A.dreams B.gifts C.meals D.holidays ( )9.A.away B.different C.free D.far ( )10.A.slowly B.terribly C.comfortably D.hopefully A B D B C ( )1.Which is the common greeting in Kazakhstan? A.Shake hands. B.Bow. C.Kiss the cheek. D.Hug. 二、阅读理解 A A ( )2.To show politeness, which of the following shouldn't be done at dinner? A.Serving bread to show respect. B.Serving a half cup of tea. C.Serving a full cup of tea. D.Arriving less than 30 minutes late. C ( )3.If you don't want any soup or tea, you can________in Kazakhstan. A.leave the table B.turn your bowl upside down C.talk with your hostess D.drink more tea at table B ( )4.When you finish your dinner in Kazakhstan, you________. A.must use fork and knife B.use a bowl to eat everything C.have to eat food by hand D.must leave something on your plate D ( )5.The writer writes the passage to tell us________. A.some etiquette in Kazakhstan B.the position of Kazakhstan C.food and drinks in Kazakhstan D.how to have dinner in Kazakhstan A ( )6.Shang Yang's reforms ________. A.were never trusted by people B.made Qin grow strong C.were carried out easily at the beginning D.focused on farming and education B B ( )7.To let people trust him, Shang Yang ________. A.ordered many young men to join the army B.gave a reward to anyone who supported him C.sh


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