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* Modern building impress us because the buildings are huge . Modern building look like boxes with flat roofs,sharp corners and glass walls that act as mirror . Ancient architecture Beautiful and natural Stands much closer to nature Skimming 1.Who is Antonio Gaudi? Task One 2.Who is Lloyd Wright ? 3. What the materials of modern architecture and the ancient architecture? He is a modern architect. His Building are full of fantastic Colors and shapes and he likes to use some natural materials. 1.Who is Antonio Gaudi? Spanish modern architect Nature doesn’t have any straight light. Balcony look like eyes,. Walls look like the skin of dragon. 2.Who is Lloyd Wright? He is a modern architect, and build an art museum in New York. He was inspired by Japanese seashells. An American architect Was inspired by nature An art museum in New York It was designed from nature It looks like seashell Ship sail 1. What the materials of modern architecture and the ancient architecture? group work Ancient architecture Modern architecture materials style Steel glass concrete plastic man-made materials natural materials earth stone bricks wood Group work Read the text again and give the right order: ( )Antonio Gaudi ( ) Frank Lloyd Wright ( ) The new Olympic Stadium in Beijing ( ) Architecture and culture ( ) Modernism ( ) Materials of modern architecture ( ) modern architecture looks hard and friendly. ( ) Ancient architecture stands much closer to nature ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Words and expressions Language points 1.When you look around at buildings, streets, squares and parks,you will find them designed, planned and built in different styles.你会发现他们是用不同的风格设计规划和建造起来的。 1.Find +宾语+宾语补足语 find + n.+n. He will find me a good job. Please find me my key. Whenever you may go , you will find h


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