人教版高一英语必修3-unit1-reading-课件 (共49张PPT).ppt

人教版高一英语必修3-unit1-reading-课件 (共49张PPT).ppt

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人教课标 高一 必修 3 Unit 1;Unit1 Festivals around the world;Can you name some festivals in China ?;;Spring Festival;Spring Festival;清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。[唐] 杜牧 ;On this day, people can remember their dead relatives and visit their graves on this day.;Dragon Boat Festival;Dragon Boat Festival;Mid-Autumn Day;Mid-Autumn Day;festivals;Valentines;Pumpkin light; Easter ;名称;Reading ;How many types of festivals are mentioned in the passage?;What festivals are mentioned in each paragraph?;Para2. Festivals of the Dead Japan Day of the Dead America;P 4. Harvest Festivals and Festival festival;Comprehending; Activities;Obon(盂兰盆) in Japan;Obon ;Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to lead the ancestors back to home.;All night long, people dance and sing.; When the festival is over, thousands of lanterns are placed into the water and they drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. ;The Day of the Dead in Mexico;In Mexico, "day of the dead" is a joyful annual celebration to honor the dead. It is believed that, on this day, the spirits of the dead return home to visit their families.;They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead.;Skeleton Costume;Halloween ;Pumpkin head;On Halloween many children dress in costumes and go from house to house to ask for candy by saying ”Trick or Treat!” The saying implies that the children will play a trick on their neighbors if they are not given a treat. ;2. Festivals to Honour People Match the person with the festival. 1. Qu Yuan 2. Christopher Columbus 3. Mohandas Gandhi a. the Dragon Boat Festival b. an Indian national festival on Oct. 2 c. Columbus Day;3. Harvest Festivals Choose the best answer. Many activities can be held in harvest festivals EXCEPT that people ___. A. get together to have meals B. decorate houses to admire the moon C. win awards for the


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