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2018-2019福建省漳州市曲江华侨中学高二英语下学期期末试题 一、 单项选择 1. In China when caught, those corrupt(腐败的) officials are sometimes limited to __________ in a certain place, only __________ their problems within an appointed time(规定的时间). A. living, to report???????????? B. living, reporting??????????? C. live, reporting?????????????? D. live, to report 参考答案: B 2. Eating is so important to Chinese ______ we have the term "food culture". But recent reports have the public worried about ______ is on their tables. ? A. what; that??????????????????? B. which; that?????????????? C. that; which?????????????? D. that; what 参考答案: D 3. —You see,I'm poor in maths,you are not good at English,and… —That's _____________ we should help each other. A.when??? ???B.where?? ??????C.how ?????????D.what 参考答案: B 4. He won’t want to eat it unless he’s really hungry, in ??? case he’ll eat almost anything. A. whose B. which C. what D. when 参考答案: B 5. She never expressed any _____ when I was injured. A. pity ??????????????? B. sympathy ???????? C. compassion ???????????? D. mercy 参考答案: B 6. Hiking is ______ great fun. You will get close to ______ nature and take exercise at the same time. A. a; the B. a; 不填 C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填 参考答案: D 7. While ______ the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. ?? A. to walk??????? B.? walked???????????? C. walk??????????? D. walking 参考答案: D 8. I told Danny it was a bad idea, but he’s so _________ that he just never listens. A. genuine??? B. informal C. cautious??? D. stubborn 参考答案: D 【详解】考查形容词词义辨析及语境。句意:—我告诉Danny这是一个糟糕的主意,但他如此固执就是不听我的。A. genuine真诚的;B. informal非正式的;C. cautious谨慎的;D. stubborn固执的;根据横线后“he just never listens”可知Danny不愿意接受别人的建议,十分固执。说明stubborn符合上下文语境,故选择D项。 9. The committee has recommended that the training program _______ improved . A. would be B. is C. was D. be 参考答案: D 10. Jack went to college last year, _______ to return home until he achieves his goal. A. determined not B. determining not C. not determined D. not dete


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