江苏省南通市实验中学七年级英语下册《Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》同步练习(无答案) 人教新目标版.docVIP

江苏省南通市实验中学七年级英语下册《Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》同步练习(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 江苏省南通市实验中学七年级英语下册《Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》同步练习 人教新目标版 听力部分(15分) 1.?选出你所听到的单词.(5分) (???? ) (1) A. along????? B. alone????? C. long (???? ) (2) A. through??? B. thought???? C. though (???? ) (3) A. cross????? B. across????? C. walks (???? ) (4) A. life??????? B. used?????? C. knife (???? ) (5) A. please????? B. police????? C. piece 2.?根据你所听到的句子,选择正确答句(5分) (???? ) (1) A. Here you are.??????????? B. I’m sorry to hear that ???????? C. That’s OK.?????????????? D. I’m glad to hear that. (???? ) (2) A. Three years ago?????????? B. Tomorrow. ????????? C. For your years??????????? D. Yesterday. (???? ) (3) A. It’s a pen.??????????????? B. It’s a red. ????????? C. He is a doctor.??????????? D. He is young. (???? ) (4) A. Yes I like eggs.??????????? B. No I’ m not. ????????? C. Yes, I do.??????????????? D. How old are you ? (???? ) (5) A. Speaking, please.???????? B. No ,you aren’t. ????????? C. Not at all.??????????????? D How old are? 3.?根据所听短文内容,判断正误。(听两遍)(5分) (??? )1The three men lived in a large hotel, ?(???? ) 2.One day they went to see a film together. (????? )3.It was very late. So they took the lift up. (???? ) 4.They walked up to their room easily. (???? ) 5.They had to walk down the ground floor to take the key in the end. 笔试部分 一.单词拼写(10) 1 The baby is walking happily t______ his mother. 2.There are many shops a_______ the street. It’s a busy street. 3. When I go to the park, my little dog often f_______ me to the park, 4.He got into his car and d_______ away quickly. 5.On his way home last Sunday, Mr. Green met two r_______. Bad luck. 6.When the t________ lights are red , we must stop and wait. 7.If you f______ in the exam, you will feel sad. 8.Let’s take different r_______ to see who is the first to get to the museum. 9.We must wear school u_______ every Monday morning. 10. Justin was s__________ to see the three men in the police station. 二.完成对话。(5分) 选择最恰当的句子完成对话(有两项是多余的) Wendy: Hi, Neil! I’m going to see a film. It’s at three o’clock. _



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