PEP小学五年级下册《Unit6A Let’s learn》说课稿.doc

PEP小学五年级下册《Unit6A Let’s learn》说课稿.doc

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PEP小学五年级下册《Unit6A Let’s learn》说课稿 Good afternoon ladies and gentalmen. I’m glad to stand here. I’m Number 22.I’ll talk about Book 6 Unit 6 A Field Trip Part A Let’s learn. 一、Teaching aims 1.Teaching on the knowledge The students be able to listen \speak \read and write the verb phrases:taking pictures,watching insects,picking up leaves,doing an experiment,catching butterflies. 2.Teaching on the abilities The students be able to listen\speak and read the stences“What’s …doing?She’s/He’s…”and use them in suit stuation. 3.Teaching on the emotion Let them know love nature ,love life. 二、Main points and difficulties Main points:To grasp the verb phrases. Difficulties:the pronunciation of “insects ,experiment and picking up”. 三、Teaching aids 1教师准备四张图片。 2教师准备相关的实物:一个放大镜、几片树叶、一个照相机和几个试管。 3教师准备本课短语的词卡。 4教师准备录音机和录音带。 5教师准备CAI。 6学生准备五个短语的词卡。 四、Teaching method and study method 根据本课的教学内容我采用了任务型教学法、情境教学法、实物教学法和TPR教学法。 结合教学方法我安排了小组合作的学习方法。 I’ll finish this lesson in five steps. 五、Teaching steps Step1 Preparation Now I have 4 gardens,they are for group 1,2,3,4.If you do well,you can get some flowers for your groups.(教师在黑板上画个四个花园的形状,分给四个小组,如果在课上他们表现的好就可以为他们组获得花朵。既激发了同学们的竟争意识,同时也为板书增色彩。) 1.Do as I do:walking, walking ,I’m walking./Running, running, I’m running./ Flying,flying,I’m flying./ Jumping ,jumping,I’m jumping./Swimming,swimming,I’m swimming./Climbing,climbing,I’m climbing./Cooking,cooking,I’m cooking dinner./Cleaning,cleaning,I’m cleaning the room…(通过课件出示这些动词,让学生跟我做,这个热身活动既复习了现在进行时,为新课做铺垫,也为后面的扩展活动做准备。) 2.Play a game(哑剧猜谜) 每组派两名同学上台做一个刚才热身时的动作,然后老师问:What is …doing?He’s /She’s ….(由I’m doing …过渡到She’s /He’s doing…层层递进.) 3. We are ready to go for the field trip now.Let’s sing a new song of “Field Trips”. 老师领唱歌曲。(以教学主题歌曲创设活动情境,提示活动主题,贴切自然。)( Step2 Presentation 1.Last weekend our class had a field trip,too.We took many pictures about the field trip.Now let’s look at the pictures. a.taking pictures Look at this picture.What is …doing?引导学生回答:He’s doing an experiment. 教师出示“doing an e


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