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初中英语七年级升八年级衔接辅导 语法复习 专题三 代词 一、知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! (一)、代词的种类 英语中代词可以分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词 代词种类一览表 数 种类 人称 格 单数 复数 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 人称代词 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us You them 物主代词 形容 词性 my your his her its our your their 名词性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves 指示代词 this that such these those such 相互代词 宾格 each other one another 所有格 each other’s one another’s 不定代词 可数 one each, many, (a) few ,both, another, either., neither 不可数 much, (a) little 可数不可数 any other all some 复合 不定代词 anyone anybody anything somebody something someone everyone everything everybody nobody nothing 疑问代词 who whom whose which what(参见特殊疑问句) 连接代词 who whom whose which what(初二即将学习) 关系代词 who whom whose which that(初三将要学习) (二)、人称代词 ①在句中作主语用主格,在句中作宾语,则用宾格; She teaches them physics. ②在句中作表语常用宾格; Who is it? It’s me. ③名词性物主代词作主语、宾语和表语;形容词性物主代词只能作定语。 = 4 \* GB3 ④两个或两个以上的人称代词并列时,其顺序是: 单数按2,3,1人称排列,复数按1,2,3人称顺序排列。 you, she and I ; we, you and they (三)、不定代词*** 不定代词种类较多,在使用时应注意其用法与区别。为了便于记忆我们择其重点以表格的形式列出。 不定代词用法一览表 不定代词 区 别 例 句 one, some, any和it some可用于疑问句中,表示盼望得到肯定的答复,或者表示建议,请求等。 —Your coffee smells great! —It’s from Mexico. Would you like ________? A.it B.some C.this D.1ittle some多用于肯定句或疑问句形式表示请求含义的句子,any多用于疑问句和否定句或if引导的条件句。 ①There’s ________cooking oil in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get ________. A.1ittle,some B.1ittle,any C.a little,some D.a little,any ②We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for ________. A.none B.either C.any D.each ③He doesn’t have _________ furniture in his room --just an old desk. A. any B. many C. some D. much each和every each强调个别,代表的数可以是两个或两个以上,而every强调整体,所指的数必须是三个或三个以上。Every不能单独使用。 ①Each student has a pocket dictionary. Each (of us) has a dictionary.= We each have a dictionary. ②Every student has strong and weak


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