江苏省苏州市中考英语 阅读表达解题指导公开课教学课件.ppt

江苏省苏州市中考英语 阅读表达解题指导公开课教学课件.ppt

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;Learning goals: 1. To get three skills to guess the meaning of the new words in the context. 2. To learn to use two reading skills:skimming and scanning. 3. To know three types of questions in reading and expressing.;;;;;Skill: By using the word formation(构词法);;Exercises: Match the meaning with the new words.;;;;Competition;;;;;;;Para 5;Skill: Skimming;Skills for Reading and Expressing ;;;Para 2 The man-like robot looks like a small girl. It is four-feet tall with a tablet computer set to its chest. It has human-like hands, a girl-like body and baby-like voice. It was shown to curious people in Tokyo stores on Friday by Softbank, a Japanese robotics company.;;Skill: Scanning;;Question one 信息查找题 (Locating);Pepper can examine facial expressions(面部表情),human voice and signs, then make an answer. Pepper is designed to be a family robot, but it isn’t like Rosie who can do housework on the cartoon. Pepper is used at the home or the store, where we provide fun and entertainment.;;Para 4 Pepper gets power from love inside a family. Not only is he making jokes, making them laugh, it can also help people when they are in trouble. In a natural accident, it can help make those people who are sad or lonely feel relaxed, encourage them or make them laugh.;;;Para 1 Ever feel like no one really understands you? Well “Pepper” could be about to change all that. Pepper is the first robot to read human feelings. Using its emotion recognition functions, Pepper can react to people when it is near them—making jokes, dancing and even singing in Japanese.;;;;;;1.How did the writer go to Allys house?;2.Why did the writer decide to jump off?;Yes. Because she regretted that she hadnt listened to her mom.;;1.What did the writers mom tell her to do?;2.What happened to the writer when she jumped off the bike?;Yes. Because she regretted that she hadnt listened to her mom. Or No. Because she may forget this accident a few days later.;1.阅读题目,熟悉原文;;Its for young readers.;2.What does Mitch imagi



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