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汉英翻译练习2 中国是茶的故乡,茶是中国的国饮。中国人最懂 荼趣,也最讲究饮茶艺术。在中国大部分地区 沿袭明清传统,以清饮雅赏的冲泡茶为主。但各 地区所好仍有不同。一般说,北方(包括华北、 东北与四川等地区),喜欢喝花茶;南方,尤其 是江浙皖等地喜欢和绿茶;东南沿海则喜欢乌龙 茶。有趣的是,湖南人喝茶,不仅饮其汁,而且 连茶叶一并咀嚼吞服。如果再加上各地特殊嗜好, 少数民族的奇风异俗,那么,中国的饮茶方式, 可以说是繁花似锦了 2013618 C-t. 中国是茶的故乡,茶是中国的国饮。中国人最懂茶 崂清楼讲线落袭雅的拜忠紧奎分紧地设斧 好仍有不同 China is the home of tea and drinking tea is a national obsession The Chinese ar le most likely to delight in drinking tea as well as being the most discriminating in the way tea is made and served The tea-drinking tradition from Ming, and Qing dynasties, which features infused tea, has been inherited in most of china. But eop le from different areas favor different eas 2013618 C-t. 般说,北方(包括华北、东北与四川等地区) 喜欢喝花茶;南方,尤其是江浙皖等地喜欢和绿茶; 栾復萁汗需苴莲叶并咀蘅吞 Generally, people in thern China northeastern china and Sichuan Province. love jasmine tea; those living in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces favor green tea; and along the southern coast, people prefer Oolong tea. People from hunan province have an interesting habit ey chew and swallow the tea leaves after drinking the infusion 2013618 C-t. ■如果再加上各地特殊嗜好,少数民族的奇 风异俗,那么,中国的饮茶方式,可以说 是繁花似锦了。 Distinct customs in different areas and minorities compose the variety of Chinas tea-drinking tradition 2013618 C-t. How to Choose the Right Words? 136-18 C-t-E translatio


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