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PAGE PAGE 1 网院大学英语三级面授辅导 第九、十单元 2001-07-28 Tutorial Lectures on College English (3) Units 9—10, Book 3 2001.7. 28. Part I Intensive Reading The Major PointsI. A Brief Introduction to the Text II. Words Expressions III. Cloze / Reading And Memorizing Unit 9 The death of Hitler A Brief Introduction to the Text When the advancing Russians were approaching, Hitler knew he was doomed, so he began to make preparation to meet his and Eva Braun’s end. He was resolved not to allow themselves to be captured and executed by the Russians. He instructed his men to round up enough gasoline so as to burn up his and Eva’s bodies after they committed suicide. In the meantime, he, having had his last meal, assembled his staff and most intimate associates and said a private farewell to each person fro the last time. Then he and Eva retired to their quarters. A few people waited outside the door. After hearing a gun shot, they waited a short interval, entered the room and found their Fuehrer who once had strict control over their lives now lying dead on the couch. It was April 30, 1945, exactly 12 years and 3 months to the day Hitler had initiated the enormous power of the Third Reich. II. Words Expressions assemble vt. vi. 1) gather or collect together 集合; 聚集; 收集 The captain assembled the members of the team. When the fire alarm rang, we assembled outside the emergency exit. Over the years we’ve assembled a huge collection of old books. 2) put all the parts of sth. together 装配 They assemble cars on an assembly line in that plant. Martha assembled her latest doll’s house very quickly. Useful Collocations: assemble publicly 公开集合; assemble forces 调集兵力;assemble a machine 装配机器; assemble together 聚集在一起 doom vt. cause to suffer sth. unavoidable and unpleasant, such as death or destruction 注定不好的命运(或结果) The project was doomed from the start. They had little in common; their marriage was doomed to failure. Are we doomed to repeat


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