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宙斯(Zeus) 众 神之王宙斯 The king of the gods Zeus 有维关,的多标他对人条治也房 斯是奥林匹斯山之君,也是宇宙 他情绪良 时,希腊 现彩虹 刮起强风,让天空闪电雷鸣 us is the king of olis also a fair and unbiased. When his and the king of the univ erse,. and his rule of Auman Is mood is good, just above the greek sunny; When he tears Greece will rain. Zeus can dispel the clouds, arrd make a rainbow sky; But can also be stacked dark clouds in the air the wind blowing on the ground let the sky thunder lightning and heavy rain 的话十分气愤,便下令,从今以后蜜蜂只要一剌人,蜂针就会折断,它 裔害號芡,灾难却常常降临到他自已的头上 id a visit to the god ht them honeycombs and honey. Zeus, the King of the sure in the gift and ted to offer the b Zeus, give me a sting to defend my labors from d the human race too much e told the bee I give you the sting . so you can defend yourself if some kes your honey. But you must know that if you do evil to nan will immediately die- your sting is he legend teaches us that in prayers and entreaties nobody should wish for evil


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