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Listen to the recording, finish the three questions in part A. Task 语法填空 Today, I asked my friend Waled about cultural differences for my homework and I learned some very useful facts. Waled is ____Brunei. When he heard that a live hen and a rooster were used as __ part of a wedding ceremony in Korea, he found it very__________(interest). In his country, people don’t do that at a wedding ceremony. In Brunei, at wedding receptions men and women have to sit in separate areas, ______ means the men are with the bridegroom and the women are with the bride. Also, alcohol ___________(prohibit) at wedding receptions as well as any other occasion in the country. If you _____(live) near where a wedding reception was being held, you probably wouldn’t get much sleep. Why? Because people play loud drums________ (celebrate) the wedding for hours afterwards and sometimes even throughout the night. In Brunei, pointing at people with one’s first finger can lead to ________(offend). So people there point at others using ______(they) thumb instead. Also, if you went to Brunei, you would have to take off your shoes before _______(enter)someone’s house. Many foreigners have difficulty in getting accustomed to that. * Your wife is pretty! Where, where! Embarrassed! This embarrassment is caused by . Cultural differences are reflected(反映) in many aspects.(方面) cultural differences Greeting ways Wedding customs Let’s watch a video! West East Aspect Cultural Comparisons:East V.S. West Cold water Cold water 1. Diet 饮食习惯 2.Lifestyle 生活习惯 3.Time Sense 时间观念 Blow dry wet hair Blow dry wet hair On time Behind time 返回目录 4.Greeting 见面礼仪 5.Cleanliness 清洁习惯 6.Opening gifts 开礼物习惯 7. Tipping 小费习惯 8. Tanning 晒太阳习惯 Shake hands Once a day Behind people Never tip Wear as more as possible The cheek kiss Three times a day In front of people Always tip Wear as fewer as possible n. Brunei 文莱 wedding reception 婚宴 新郎


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